Chapter 624 - 624 Chapter 624 Dressed For War.

It wasn’t until Fei Long explained that Revna knew the reason for the situation. Apparently, axes weren’t a widely used weapon in general. Also, with the particular type of ax and its feminine design, there were few outside buyers interested in bidding.

That was one of the few good points about living in a rather sexist world, the supply and demand of certain items were very skewed, and she just happened to be the beneficiary of this fact on this occasion.

Although the logic behind acquiring it was a bit sour, to say the least, Revna still reveled in acquiring the ax. Her mind was already generating ways to use the ax.

Based on the description given by the presenter, the ax in question had only two special features: almost zero weight and its ability to increase its weight to ridiculous levels in a single instant. It was supposed to be designed to be maneuvered with masterful speed and dexterity to deliver deceptively light blows that could demolish small mountains.

According to Sasha and Fei Long, who scanned the ax with their senses and energies, Mana and Aura, respectively, the ax seemed compatible with both types of energy, probably due to the materials used in its creation. The weapon’s dual affinity was both a good point and a bad point. It meant that it had fewer usage restrictions but also offered little to amplify the specific powers wielded by the wielder.

However, Revna couldn’t be more delighted with the weapon and couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. She even had a name for the weapon, Dainslef. Although the original name belonged to a sword rather than an axe, Revna believed both weapons possessed a similar trait. It was nearly impossible to recover from a blow from either, albeit for different reasons.

Of course, Revna would refuse to admit that she had the same strange taste as her Master in naming things and that she only wanted to name the weapon Dainslef because it sounded cool.

Whatever the case, Revna was now the proud owner of a massive battle axe. Only she knew how she planned to adapt that weapon to her fighting style, though given Revna’s talent, it should be soon that she arrived with an idea.


Although they couldn’t understand why Revna was so intent on getting hold of the impractical weapon, the girls were happy for her victory at the auction. It had to be admitted that competing in the bids was quite a stressful but exciting process, somewhat addictive even.

Unfortunately, there were no more exciting purchases after that, almost nothing they had at the auction suited the girls’ tastes or needs. In theory, they could have bought some defensive equipment, but the prices were too high, and only a little of that equipment was compatible with them.

Although they did not join the bidding for the defensive equipment pieces, the girls still paid close attention. The craftsmanship and quality of the items were enough to be considered an attraction worth watching.

As the host, Qiqi had said, this auction stage was the liveliest, showing just how flourishing this particular craft was in the Eternal War Maiden Sect. Among the many items on display, there was hardly a thing that had not been born at the hands of a sect member.

As the end of this auction stage approached, the items on display became increasingly precious and expensive, displaying very high levels of craftsmanship and increasingly rare and special materials. However, the main event was still missing, the divine armor that Fei Long had been hoping to acquire.

As if sensing the impatience of the most potent powerhouses present, Fei Long included, Qiqi announced that they were all waiting. “I can feel that all of you just can’t wait to see the star item of this auction. I guess I shouldn’t delay it any longer. Ladies and gentlemen, I will let the article speak for itself.”

Immediately, a pressure like no other filled the auction house, a force that wasn’t meant to attack anyone, it was more of a kind of warning or announcement, and at that moment, everyone saw a woman walk onto the stage with a massive box of black metal being pushed behind her.

Even though it was evident that the item everyone was waiting for was inside that box, no one was paying attention to it, not because they weren’t interested but because they couldn’t, not when such an unreasonably powerful monster was standing on the stage. Emitting Aura fluctuations that belittle even Fei Long, a woman with simple clothes and short black hair with some streaks of gray, stood at the center of the stage.

In addition to the simple dull gray dress, the woman wore a belt full of blacksmithing and crafting tools and an intimidating-looking, unreasonably large black hammer. Even Revna’s ax and Fei Long’s halberd seemed tiny compared to the hammer, whose head was bigger than an anvil.

The woman’s eyes were calm as a millennial lake, unruffled, numb with time, but the pressure emitted from her gaze belied the kind of wild person the woman was inside her.

There was an apparent contempt in the woman’s gaze, one that came not from her own power but from something else. It was as if she was judging something as she scanned the auction house with her gaze. Qiqi, the host, had been informed of this older woman’s appearance beforehand. Still, she had been instructed not to say anything or intervene until the older woman made her decision.

Contrary to what the people attending the auction had been told, the main item may or may not be put up for sale. The decision rested not on the high prices listed in the bids but on the words of the older woman who made the armor.

That’s right, the old woman who was now in the auction house was the creator of what was inside that black box. She was also the supreme guardian of the eternal war maiden sect, an old monster with whom not even Fei Long would fight lightly.

The supreme guardian had come because she wanted to see for herself if there was someone worthy of being the bearer of her masterpiece. She would allow her precious work to be auctioned if she found someone. Otherwise, she would return to the sect with that black box on her back.

To the luck of some and to the dissatisfaction of the older woman, she found at least three people capable enough to use her masterpiece, and one of them seemed to be more suitable than the rest. Although she would prefer to find a pretext for not selling her masterpiece, a deal was a deal, and it was beneath her to break her own word.

Finding no reason to prolong the silence, the older woman withdrew the pressure. She nodded to the presenter before leaving the stage. Seeing the older woman walk off the stage, Qiqi smiled, and the audience was relieved when the pressure was lifted.

Without further ado, Qiqi went to the black metal box and opened it, thus revealing the item inside. Words couldn’t quite describe how delicate, detailed and painstaking the craftsmanship was, but it wasn’t that that took one’s breath away; it was how elaborate the armor was and its overall design.

More than just armor, what was on the stage looked like a human being made of beautiful metals, wearing armor on top. There just wasn’t a single corner that the armor didn’t cover; it was almost like wearing a second skin. Aside from the dull gray color that seemed less appealing, the armor looked like something out of a particular animated series where holy knights set their cosmos on fire.

Besides the above, the armor had no concept behind its art design. It was basically the most elaborate and carefully forged fantasy armor one would see, except it didn’t look heavy. The only thing one thought when seeing the armor was the following. “Dress for war.”

Only the battlefield was fit to display such glorious and complete armor when all was said and done. Seeing the armor, Fei Long’s eyes seemed to be about to spew out silver flames. She was completely mesmerized by the warlike charm the armor emitted.

Of course, the armor was still a beautiful piece in its own right and designed with the female silhouette in mind, on top of that. But what truly captured the heart of the woman known as the Silver Dragoness was the thought of wearing that armor into an epic battle.

It didn’t even take Fei Long to say anything; all the girls in the room could see that their friend was willing to do anything to get her hands on that armor, which was a bit scary considering how destructive Fei Long could be when that’s how she wanted it.

Whatever the case, the auction was bound to be eventful due to the appearance of armor like that. Even with the drawback of the feminine design, not many were willing to let such a treasure slip away. It couldn’t be helped; an armor like that had already surpassed ascended rank items and masters.

Although now more determined than ever to obtain that armor, everyone present felt much warier towards the Eternal War Maiden Sect. That armor could be an almost divine treasure, but it was also a very effective warning. The sect was announcing to the world that they had someone who had gone beyond ascended rank and could forge sacred treasures like that armor.

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