Perfect Superstar

Chapter 115

Lu Chen’s latestblog post has more than 110,000 comments, 90% of which was sprayed on him,while the number of comments on Stray Cat’s post was three times that of him,reaching more than 370,000, not to mention the content of the comments.

There is nodoubt that the power of fans is terrible, especially those brain-dead fans,which simply if Gods block, kill the Gods; if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas. (TN:Meaning: overcome every obstacle)

The kittensin the area are directly grayed out! (TN: An idiom/saying which I have no idea)

As a famous disclosureexpert in the Sky Forum, Stray Cat’s performance is not very effective in the InspurBlog. After being sprayed frantically, they have been playing the role of atortoise. No matter how abusive or provocative others are, they do not showtheir faces, as if they have a guilty conscience.

However,when everyone thought that this blog controversy was over, and that "SuperSinger" program team and Ling Xiaoxiao had already won a resoundingvictory, at 08:37 in the evening, Stray Cat updated his blog again.

He posted anew blog post, which contains only one word - Haha.

After theword Haha, a video link was attached.

Since thelast blog post was posted, the number of Stray Cat blog fans has increased by200,000. Of course, these are not real fans, but basically haters and passerbyfans. For them, becoming fans is nothing more than convenient to get the latestnews immediately.

So, whenthis blog post was updated, the number of clicks and repost was amazing.

Then a lotof people browsed the video.

The lengthof this video is only 4 minutes and 27 seconds. The scene in the video is veryfamiliar to everyone. It was the scene of the official audition for "SuperSinger"!

At thebeginning of the video, a handsome young man walks up to the stage with aguitar in his arms.

Facing thestares of the four judges, the handsome man said calmly, "Hello, judgesand teachers. I am Lu Chen, contestant No. 0580, from Zhedong."

Afterintroducing himself, he bowed to the judges, straightened up and continued,"The song I’m going to sing today is called "You Who Sat Next To Me". Iask four teachers to give for advice."

Is this LuChen who was scolded? Is this his video from the "Super Singer"audition?

All thepeople who saw this scene were stunned.

There’ssomething that’s not quite right!

Didn’t ChenZhenni say that Lu Chen was disrespectful to his seniors? They can’t see it atall. He was very polite!

There arealso many people who came to their senses right away - Perhaps this video willbe very interesting. (TN: They come to realize the truth or one’s error)

Since it wasuploaded by Stray Cat. It would be strange to say that this was not hiscounterattack!

But thequestion is, how did this person get the video recorded live by XiangnanSatellite TV’s "Super Singer"? If the video is disadvantageous forXiangnan Satellite TV, it should have been trimmed off at the earliest possibleafter the recording is completed.

In additionto ordinary netizens, there are many people in the circle who pay attention toblogs. (TN: Netizen = internet users)

They werewatching the blog controversy with the heart of just watching the fun and drama.They never thought that there would be a reversal after the reversal. Stray Catactually has a big trump card that can turn the tables.

There’sreally a big show to watch!

Many people gotinstantly excited, sitting in front of the computer or holding a mobile phoneand staring at the screen for fear of missing a wonderful detail.

In thevideo, a female judge smiled and said, "Let’s get started. You have twominutes to sing well."

This judgeis Lu Ya, a famous female singer, and everyone knows her.

It seems likein this blog battle, Lu Ya didn’t say anything.

Lu Chennodded and began to sing with his guitar in his arms. "Tomorrow will youstill remember, the diary you wrote yesterday..."


The shrillsound not only shocked Lu Chen at the scene, but also shocked all the peoplewho are watching the video.

Your mom,are you kidding me? He Just sang a few sentences and you press the red light?

People arenot idiots. It would be strange to say that there is nothing fishy about it!

The judgewho pressed the first red light was Zhang Xiaoan.

Didn’t ZhangXiaoan criticize Lu Chen for not performing well enough, playing and singingamateurishly, and with his works being still semi-finished?

It’s amazing that he can draw such a conclusion just after listening to a few sentences!

Many people who have rushed to Lu Chen’s blog to scold, have a kind of "sh*t" feeling1, it seems that they have made a fool of themselves!

But Lu Chenwas not seriously disturbed by the first red light, he continued to sing:"...Tomorrow will you still miss, the you that loved to cry."


The secondred light is on!

What thehell!

If the firstred light can still make people hold their nose, then the second red light iscompletely unbearable. (TN: Hold their nose - endure it)

Lu Chen’sperformance was not as bad as they imagine, it was even quite good. Even ifthere were any problems, they should have let him sang a few more sentencesbefore they judge, right? How can they knock him down all of a sudden?

Those whohave watched the controversy have easily thought of the suppression theory ofStray Cat.

Did Lu Chenoffend someone?

Otherwise,how could he be so targeted by the two judges, to the point of being obvious?

And the onewho pressed the second red light was precisely Chen Zhenni who said that LuChen doesn’t know how to respect his seniors.

Such asenior. There seems to be no need for respect.

Surprisingly,Lu Chen, who had been hit by two red lights in a row, was able to maintain his calmand composure. He continued to sing calmly until the end of the song.


He bowed toshow his thanks to the judges with his guitar in his arms.

Seeing thisscene, those who were originally very disgusted with Lu Chen were silent.

They askthemselves, if they replace themselves with Lu Chen. Can they remain polite insuch a situation?

It’s funnyto say that he doesn’t respect his elders!

Next comes thejudges’ comments.

Zhang Xiaoansaid, "The style is too old and the melody is also ordinary. You stillhave to continue to work hard."

Chen Zhennicommented, "You play the guitar well, but we chose the best singers, so Ican only say, I hope you will try your best next time."

Lu Ya smiledand said, "Lu Chen, I think your work is excellent..."


Before she couldfinish what she was saying, the fourth judge, sitting on the far left, pressedthe red light.

Zhuang Haopressed the red light and eliminated Lu Chen!

He saidexpressionlessly, "I agree with Zhang Xiaoan’s opinion that your style ofsinging is too old, the melodies seems familiar, it lacks enough originality, andsounds too amateur, so I can’t give you a pass."

His wordswere full with disdain and ridicule.

But Lu Chen wasstill very polite, bowed, and said, "I thank the four judges for theircomments..."

Seeing this,many people can’t watch it anymore.

They felt awkwardand embarrassed for Lu Chen. He obviously played the instrument and sang verywell, but was belittled to be worthless.

How are theyjudges?

Lu Chenendured it, still maintaining etiquette and respect for the judges.

It isprecisely this politeness and respect that makes people angry!

At thistime, Lu Chen stood up straight and raised his chest. Looking at Zhuang Hao, hesaid in deep voice, "But I don’t agree with Teacher Zhuang Hao’s opinion.I have long completed the copyright registration of this song in the GreaterChina Music Library. There is no plagiarism or imitation. Anyone can buy it for100,000 yuan."

Then he smiledconfidently and said, "But I didn’t sell it."


It should belike this!

Lu Chen’scourteous and restrained response not only did not make people feel that therewas something wrong with his attitude. On the contrary, they felt that what hedid was natural.

Is this what Chen Zhenni said about the lack of newcomer’s quality and the lack of respect for their seniors?

I bought a watch last year!2

It just sohappened that the camera was switched over and gave Zhuang Hao a big close-up.

The editor andmusic critic of the fashion magazine Xiu Mei turned red and his lips trembled.


A lot ofpeople laughed - he deserved it!

Lu Chen didnot give Zhuang Hao the opportunity to fight back. He nodded to Lu Ya and leftfreely.

The camerafaithfully recorded the scene.

The videoisn’t over yet.

At the nextmoment, Zhuang Hao slammed his pen heavily on the table and scolded angrily,"Today’s young people are becoming more and more impolite and notopen-minded at all. No wonder the atmosphere in pop music is getting worse andworse."

Zhang Xiaoansaid with a heavy face: "Yes, so we should be stricter. Those with badconduct should be eliminated, otherwise Xiangnan Satellite TV will lose face infront of whole nation."

Chen Zhennipicked up her notebook as a fan and scoffed, "With that kind of temper, nowonder someone wants to give him some color to see. He really doesn’t know howhigh the sky and deep the earth is!

So that’s it!They can’t believe this!

Everyone understands. If they still don’t understand, it’s time to take medicine.

Lu Chen was wronged. The revelations of Stray Cat are completely true. Xiangnan Satellite TV eats jujube pills!3

The most distastefulthing is these judges. Except from Lu Ya, which they didn’t have any problemwith, the other three judges are lying with their eyes open. They jointlysuppressed Lu Chen when he wasn’t saying anything and also reversed right andwrong in their blog.

Someonewants to give him some color. (TN: give him a great lesson)

Countlesspeople felt they have been fooled!

ZhangXiaoan, Chen Zhenni and Zhuang Hao probably thought the video at the scenewould be cut off, so they dared to be so unscrupulous. They would probably neverdream that everything they said and did will be exposed.

No one knowswhat else they will say now!

The numberof reposts of the new blog posts of Stray Cat has skyrocketed, and was quicklyforwarded to forums and post...

More peoplewent to the blogs of Xiangnan Satellite TV and Zhang Xiaoan, Chen Zhenni andZhuang Hao.

They wantjustice for their insulted feelings and justice for Lu Chen!

At 08:49, LuChen, who was in front of the computer, finished reading Stray Cat’s blog post.

Heunderstood that this was the trump card that Chen Jianhao has been hiding for along time. The latter deliberately sat down and waited for the event toferment, until a considerable number of people jumped out before dealing afatal blow.

This faceslapping has probably made all their teeth sent flying.

It’s tooruthless!

But he likeit.

Lu Chen’slips raised a smile, and he sent the video link to Li Mubai: "This is theweapon to fight back!"

Lu Chendoesn’t care how the video came. He knows it’s time for him to make noise!

Li Mubaiquickly replied, "Understood, I will let them know that our Lu Family Armyis not made of mud."

"Since thetiger is not angry, your mother will regard it as seriously ill!"


TN: Have a kind of "sh*t" feeling. Like when you finally realize you made a mistake but too late to correct it. The first thing you will say will be "Sh*t!" or "F*ck!".1

TN: I bought a watch last year (Wǒ qùnián mǎile gè biǎo) - Its true meaning has nothing to do with a watch. If you take their initial letter, it is WQNMLGB, which is (Wǒ qù nǐ māle gébì) which if translated is "F*ck you mother’s c**t".2

TN: Eating jujube pills - is an internet slang which is actually the homonym of "to be finished sooner or later."3

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