Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 5 Storage Ring

No one expected they would have to immediately cover their eyes after Number One fired his gun. A beam of light blinded everyone and burned their eyes worse than the sun. Anyone too close had to jump back from the sudden heatwave, causing many to fall to the ground.

When Headmaster Blake opened his eyes, he immediately recalled Darius\' words from a second ago. The puppet was completely gone while the grass underneath it was still burning. Even the walls surrounding the inner Academy were charred black despite being tens of meters away.

"Not bad," Number One praised himself as he blew the smoke off his fingers and gazed at the dumbfounded teachers. "It seems like I have won the bet."

Despite doing the unthinkable, no one present in the Training Grounds was cheering like they did for Luna. The Academy turned silent and everyone looked at each other as if trying to understand what just happened. It was hard to even breathe the same air as someone who could kill them as easily as snapping a finger.

Even Luna who was used to hanging around strong Soul Artists was stunned by Number One\'s performance. They couldn\'t even check his Soul Power as the screen was also gone.

"He really destroyed the training puppet and acts like it was nothing..." Darius commented in shock. "Only a Golden Talent would be capable of pulling it off."

"He didn\'t seem to be lying about his goals… but is he a Gold Talent though?" Headmaster Blake hesitated as he tried to stay calm. "Did you see the color of his Soul Energy? It was once again white, not golden."

Headmaster Blake was just as surprised at Number One\'s power, but he paid close attention to details. A Golden Talent would have golden Soul Energy yet it remained white as if Number One had White Talent.

"How will you explain his strength then?" Darius questioned in confusion. "How would he gather enough Soul Energy to execute such powerful Soul Art if he was only a White Talent?"

"That\'s what I can\'t figure out," Headmaster Blake admitted while taking another look at Number One. "Either way, he passed the test. White or golden, we need to have him."

Darius nodded in agreement. Anyone who could casually destroy a training puppet would be welcomed everywhere and they couldn\'t miss out on such a great candidate.

"My friend, are you perhaps an old expert who came to mess with us?" Darius called out in laughter as he approached together with Headmaster Blake. "You are clearly stronger than all the present teachers combined. What\'s your purpose for joining the Soul Academy? There is nothing we can teach you."

The teachers\' eyes brightened at Darius\' theory but Number One refuted it with a friendly smile, "You are flattering me but I still can\'t compare. I may look powerful but that\'s the only Soul Art I know. I even spent ten years mastering it, so I still have a lot to learn."

No one was surprised at that fact since the more powerful the Soul Art, the harder it was to master. Even if one managed to secure a high-ranked Soul Art, it didn\'t mean they could use it right away.

"Don\'t worry, your efforts didn\'t go to waste," Headmaster Blake assured before asking, "This Soul Art, did you perhaps receive it from your Master?"

Number One smiled in response and changed the topic as he glanced at Darius, "I remember we had a bet."

People gasped at how Number One dodged the question but Headmaster Blake didn\'t seem to mind.

Darius sighed deeply at the mention of their bet and extended his palm under his ring. Its green stone shone brightly and a leather bag appeared out of thin air. He caught it gracefully and passed it to Number One with a grin, "A bet is a bet. 500 Yellow Crystals just as we discussed. Do you want to count them?"

"That won\'t be necessary. I know Sir wouldn\'t try to scam me," Number One replied calmly and collected the payment.

Seeing Darius commit to the bet, other teachers had no choice but to pay up as well. They withdrew their own bags from their colored rings and the Yellow Soul Crystals quickly piled up at Number One\'s feet.

"I have a proposal," Number One suggested as he ogled the ring on Darius\' finger. "I have 7500 Yellow Soul Crystals in front of me. I would like to buy Sir\'s Storage Ring."

Darius didn\'t look impressed by the offer, but Number One pulled out another small bag before Darius could reply. "I will also add the pill from our bet."

"Boy… First of all, you don\'t need to be polite to me. Second of all, do you know how rare Green Storage Rings are?" Darius asked with raised eyebrows. "Your pill is nice, but you can\'t easily get a Storage Ring like this even if you have the money. I had to personally search for the Green Essence Stone and beg to have it crafted for me."

Storage Rings were special items, allowing one to keep physical items in the Soul Space created within the ring. They couldn\'t be made out of Soul Crystals and instead required Essence Stones that were only found in the most dangerous locations.

The Green Storage Ring was so rare that only Headmaster Blake and Darius had one each, but Number One didn\'t give up.

"The merchant I bought this pill from still has nine more Body Strengthening Pills. He will be leaving the city tonight so if you don\'t meet him today, you won\'t get such high-quality pills for a while," Number One informed. "I can give you his contact in addition to the rest."

The pills were pretty much useless to anyone normal but for people like Darius who trained his body, they were an important part of their training. Number One could see Darius\' expression change in an instant.

"I feel like you prepared all of it just to get my ring, didn\'t you?" Darius pointed out suspiciously. "Who told you that I need Body Strengthening Pills?"

Number One pulled out a prepared note from his pocket and replied mysteriously, "Let\'s just say I know some people."

"Not only strong but also knows too much…" Darius commented under his breath and began transferring his personal belongings into his spare Storage Ring.

Before Darius completed the trade though, he stared into Number One\'s eyes and added, "I will agree to the deal, but I also want a favor from you. If I need a training partner, I want you to assist me."

That proposal caused many to gasp in awe but it was understandable. Anyone who could destroy a puppet with such ease was already on the teacher\'s level. It was natural to treat him as an equal.

"If I don\'t have anything going on, why not," Number One nodded and they finally traded before everyone\'s eyes.

"Oh, right, I forgot to unlock it for y—" Darius recalled the procedure but stopped himself right when Number One wore the Storage Ring on his middle finger. "Nevermind… You seem to have it figured out."

Each Storage Ring had a Soul Lock Art in place which prevented strangers from breaking inside the ring. Darius\' Green Storage Ring was specially secured by the Academy yet he sensed the Soul Lock break as soon as Number One wore it on his finger.

"I\'m satisfied with the ring. Thank you," Number One acknowledged as he admired his new possession and turned towards the exit as if it was all he came for. "I will be back tomorrow to claim my Student Badge. Enjoy your day everyone."

Headmaster Blake had no intention of stopping him and the crowd was no different. Even though everyone wanted to befriend the new star, they swiftly moved out of the way. The prettiest ladies tried to seduce Number One with their passionate gazes and poses but he didn\'t spare them a glance. He wore his hood and disappeared into the outside plaza with everyone staring at his shadows.

"What a mysterious lad," Headmaster Blake pointed out with a curious expression and finally looked at the second strongest in the Selection. Too bad, before he could say anything, Luna was already on the move.


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