My Multisystem In Isekai

158 Chapter 158

But he had been totally surprised when they dove in the opposite direction. His mind had been trying to wrap itself around the reason for that, when he noticed that they also looked at him.

He assumed that their decision had probably been prompted by the fact that the middle aged man was obviously the bigger fish here. And so, after what seemed like an eternity of being imprisoned in the gloomy dungeon of shame, a ray of light briefly settled in Zavier\'s mind, allowing him a break from the evil that had threatened to suffocate him like a boa constrictor.

Zavier allowed himself to feel something akin to gladness when he thought of just how fun it would be to watch the old pervert get what was coming to him. Yes, Zavier made up his mind to lay the blame on the stranger in the fine suit. He would say he had been coerced by the man into watching the couple\'s intimate moments. Zavier had already begun building up his defense.

But, much to his dismay, he saw the couple run right past the middle aged man. Zavier blinked repeatedly. Wait, what just happened? Did they actually just run past him without even saying a word? What the hell?! Zavier couldn\'t believe his eyes. At this point, he began to wonder if he had been hallucinating the middle aged man all this while. Was this like the other time? (On his trip with Valerie and the others when he had hallucinated an old man.)

Why would his mind manifest something like that? Was he having a nervous breakdown, or even possibly- a psychosis? Zavier knew that it wasn\'t completely improbable. His mental health hadn\'t exactly been at its peak lately. Sure, it made sense to think that, but Zavier wasn\'t having it. Deep down, and even on a conscious level, he knew that he was right about that.

To confirm if this was truly one of those optical illusions, Zavier jerked his eyes away from the fleeing couple and brought them back to the figure of the middle aged man huddled in the space behind the bushes. Zavier was taken aback by the amusing expression on the man\'s face. As if taunting Zavier, the older man retained a very hilarious looking smutty grin on his face.

Zavier recognized that look immediately. It was a look he knew all too well because he was used to giving that same look. The man was clearly amused. At the expense of Zavier\'s embrassment, he had been thoroughly entertained. And it was obvious he was doing his best not to laugh out loud. It was look that showed what kind of man the middle aged man was; witty, mischievous and a deep appreciation for dark humor.

It all suddenly started to come together in Zavier\'s mind like a puzzle piece; everything that had just happened here, every single thing, whether directly or indirectly, it was all the old dude\'s fault!! Zavier was furious. The middle aged man in suit could have easily passed for a gentleman. But within a very short moment, Zavier had discovered that he was the farthest thing from a respectable individual.

This horny old man was probably the lowest of the lows. How could a man his age be comfortably sneaking around the forest looking for a show? How exactly had he known about the live action here? At least Zavier had an excuse. He had merely been on his way back and had stumbled on the couple. But by all indications, the horny old man was scum. And because he hadn\'t been able to contain how horny he was, he hand landed Zavier into trouble!

Finally, Zavier had someone other than himself whom he could shift the blame to. It was a very thrilling feeling; to finally be able to offload all of that negativity onto someone else. Zavier made up his mind to catch the old man and teach him a lesson. Now that he had a few tricks up his sleeve, he was going to use the bad man as a testing dummy.

Zavier jumped to his feet immediately. The cold night breeze blew straight into his exposed genitals and Zavier instantly felt it. It was a rude reminder of the fact that he had been humiliated, and it had all been the man\'s fault. Zavier girded his loins and charged towards the man. At first, he took his time, and contentedly made his way towards the man in long purposeful strides.

The man in turn also sensed that Zavier was after him. And immediately, he sprang to his own feet and began to bolt into the darkness. Zavier was taken aback by the old man\'s speed. He was surprisingly agile for a man with his build and age. It was like watching a buffalo akip and run with the speed and agility of a deer.

His heavy legs thumped hard on the forest grounds, putting as much distance between him and his pursuer behind him. Mentally, Zavier was on top form. He was finally motivated, and his body was also responding. He should have been able to not just catch up with the older man, but also outrun him. However, the old man kept dashing at an unbelievable pace, leaving Zavier in the dust behind him.

Zavier also struggled because of his torn pants. And there was also the possibility of his exposed genitals getting entangled in the bush. After all, this was a forest. Zavier simply get the thought of his balls getting stabbed like a piñata. It was just not worth it. So, all these factors contributed to Zavier losing the stranger. Needless to say that he wasn\'t too pleased about it.

In this tournament, stellar students weren\'t the only rock stars here. Because these teams represented the best of the best from the region, the lead teachers that accompanied them were also something a local legends. As was the case with Calista, (and the renowned Valarie), there were also a handful of others who were equally impressive and also equally dangerous. They weren\'t just rumors, these lead teachers were the real deal.

In this case, one of those lead teachers was the woman from Melbourne High School- Wallice. Her two syllable name wasn\'t suggestive of her pedigree as a teacher and as a mage. To a lot of the newbies, she was merely the lead teacher of Gabby, Ibneiah and Macbeth\'s team. But as time progressed into the tournament, gist began to fly back and forth across the dormitories as teams exchanged information.

Wallice was no ordinary woman. That was just how her description started in several conversations. She was no ordinary mage either, not by any standards. Ancestry, lineage and bloodlines were some of the determining factors that was key to making it big in the mage world. Those that were privileged to have powerful bloods were right on top with demigods. That was the case. But Wallice was one of the most exceptional hybrids.

The lead teacher was a terrifying mix of vampire, werewolf, dragon and human blood! It was indeed the rarest of breeds. Most hybrids were only a mix of either human and vampire, or human and elf, or occasionally, human, vampire and werewolf.

But Wallice had been gifted the choicest of bloods by fate. It was truly an outstanding bloodline, and a sure proof that mixed bloods were genetically superior to products of inbreeding.

When most people hear about her mixed ancestry, especially the side of her that was part dragon blood, their minds tumbled in and out just trying to comprehend her whole situation. How could she walk with both her legs, with all the different ancestries speaking in her blood? But that was simply Wallice.

As if one of those special hybrids wasn\'t enough. She had somehow managed to surround herself with students who were of the same pedigree as her. This was the true definition of an A-team. There were no weak links. Every single member had enough dog in them to go on a rampage in a small village and wreak some serious destruction. Every single one of her students came from the same vast family. Their bloodlines were so powerful, only the thought of them struck fear in their enemies.

Wallice was also a brilliant analyst. In all of the attributes that made her a dangerous mage, this was perhaps the most unnerving of all. She never entered any kind of altercation, nor engage an enemy without having at least a fore knowledge of who they were and what they were capable of. This was basic reconnaissance, and it was expected of every mage and lead teacher to do the same.

Wallice had done her homework on every single potential threat to the success of her own team. And she had come up with a single name- Shiranui. Wallice was well aware of the fact that Shiranui was of the Yamata clan. She wasn\'t too pompous to acknowledge the strength and skill that Shiranui would bring to the table. Wallice\'s mind had been on her throughout the season preceding the tournament and well as during the first round.

Clearly, Shiranui was the only one whom she thought would give her team a problem. But something else changed her mind. After the first tournament, even though she tried her best not to show her eagerness, but Wallice was very anxious to hear back from her team. She couldn\'t wait to hear how they had decimated their enemies, and also, she couldn\'t wait to hear tales of the exploits of the Yamata girl. Therefore, she had organized a sit in with her students as soon as they got back.

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