What The Luck!?

Chapter 326 - 326. Let's Celebrate

The group may have needed to start getting in to the details of their new classes and the changes they needed to make. But today was a big day. They had all done amazingly in their school sanctioned tournament. Done well to achieve part of their overall goal of becoming the best herpes ever. And Cara had made herself the top of her class. How could they sit around and go over rules and paper work and classes? It was just not what any of the group wanted to do. 

"Alright, we are going to catch Cara before she is caught by the teachers. Follow me." Asher snuck out of the room only to find the hallways completely empty. "Well, maybe we don\'t need to sneak." The group just followed while shaking their head at Asher who they thought was acting way too suspicious. 

"We just need to take the stairs instead of the elevator. No one takes the stairs anymore." Jane thought she had the perfect answer, however, as soon as the door was open she realized there were already steps coming up them. 

"As I said, we can fight later. We need to beat that powerless king guy. He has no super power but has beaten us after studying our moves for a bit in videos." Garnet was arguing loudly while coming up the steps. 

"Yeah, whatever, but I want to beat your smug face first. I haven\'t been able to fight anyone full strength and I can at least use you as a punching bag while you\'re here." And coach Winters was rebutting like it was nothing. The powerful rivalry the two had was stronger and stronger over the years. 

"Fine, we will deal with this later. So, regretting the whole teaching things after retiring from being a police officer? You could have stayed and become a captain." The group wanted to leave but when they heard Garnet and coach Winters\' conversation their curiosity was winning over them. 

"It\'s better than you think. Those three showed up in my class first day of class and already had a head on their shoulders. If they hadn\'t I would have had to go back to tournaments full time since teaching wouldn\'t be worth it." It was a surprise from coach Winters. They had not known she felt so strongly about them. "And that camp your family runs? Think it will survive a little longer?"

"Ha! We have five locations on the mountain now all for different levels of future heroes. The rush for string heroes and law enforcement has really helped us expand. I was sure that things would go well until those three problem children showed up. But to think, a while later three more show up and do exactly the opposite of the problems I had. I don\'t know if it\'s fate but I gave them a lot of tools to use." 

The steps got closer and closer causing all of them to be pulled away by Jackson who was the last one holding the door open. "Are we still trying to leave? They seem like they really want to help us." Jackson couldn\'t help but feel bad that they were trying to sneak out. 

"Huh? Of course, we are. If we don\'t we won\'t have any time to ourselves. Today is the celebration and break we need. We are heading to the elevator. Cara wasn\'t with them so she must still be cleaning up and being healed. Let\'s go!" Art didn\'t hesitate to run to the elevator and push the button. They needed to get in and head out before Garnet and coach Winters reached their floor. 

The elevator opened up and the door to the stairs did at the same time. "Hey! Where are all of you going? You have a meeting with us!" Coach Winters noticed them immediately as the doors of the elevator closed. 

"We are going to congratulate Cara on her awesome matches. We will see you tomorrow!" Laura was the only one courageous enough to mock the two. Hopefully, they could play it off as her playful personality but they all knew that Laura had just made their future a little harder. 

The slight sound of running steps echoed as the door closed all the way. "Yeah, we are so dead tomorrow. But for now, let\'s go find Cara." Louis was not a fool. He knew that things would be tough, however, he was more excited to celebrate and enjoy the stress free feeling after all their matches and new understandings. 

The first floor was a mess of people and students moving about. There were a few newspaper staff members trying to get interviews to fill out surveys. They wanted to be the person who interviewed a future hero before they were famous. It was very common for the first journalist that did a report on a hero to follow the career for their own career length. 

"Look! The waiting area over there!" Sammy was able to spot a familiar hoodie wearing figure. Because of the low pulled hood, Cara was able to hide away from the crowd while standing on the edge of the waiting area. 

With as much speed as he could muster, Art dashed forward and grabbed Caras\' arm, "Come on. We are all going to celebrate our wins today." The look of surprise was replaced by a smile wider than Asher had ever seen on his sisters\' face. Art dragged her out the front door where the rest of the group had also run out of. 

"You all won too? I knew you would. Did Jane clean the floor and take first?" Cara seemed very dead set on Jane having taken the first spot. 

"Really? You doubt your own brother that much? Pffft, I snagged the first place." The slightly annoyed tone Asher had was shrugged off as she looked at Jane. 

"If my brother did anything rude to knock you to second place let me know. I will make sure he is punished properly." Cara was pushing her fist in to her empty palm but realized that Art was still holding her and she was holding him. With a realization, the two released each other and looked away. 

"Actually, Laura took second place. She had some very speedy tactics. And Art and I decided to get a little out of control." Jane wanted to show her the videos she knew had been taken but now was not the time. 

"None of that matters, we are heading out to celebrate!" Sammy was so excited that she jumped and caused a small burst of wind to sweep through the outer field. 

"We should go to that new buffet down the street. They have the best food and there is even a farm to table vegetable section." The group had not expected this answer from Jackson of all people. 

"Yeah sure. I was just going to force Art in to the kitchen to make us cookies and cake but we can g to a restaurant first." Cara\'s answer would have made Art worried if it had come from anyone but here. Yet, when everyone looked at him he actually appeared to be excited by the notion of going to someone\'s house and just cooking for everyone. 

"What? When you make food for someone else it always tastes better than when you make food just for yourself." His grandmother had always said this and now Artvtook it to heart. 

"Then we go to the buffet and back to my place to cook up some cookies. I think the cake can wait for another day. It is faster to make the heavenly cookies." Asher knew that no matter what he did the group would enjoy Arts\' cookies better. It was just a difference in recipes. He had no idea that everyone was breathing a slight sigh of relief when he was not the one cooking or helping out in the kitchen. 

" Wait, I need to ask. That last match. How did you win?" Laura was too impatient and had to ask the question that was on everyone\'s mind." 

"That? Simple. I spent a few weeks learning how to make certain rocks and pieces of earth vibrate. Once I had done that I tuned the speakers and tried to change the frequency to match that. The increased vibration interfered with how the terra- kinesis super power works and the earth crumbled leaving a perfect opening." Cara shrugged as if this was some common and easy conclusion to reach. 

"Right, Cara just casually memorizes and uses frequencies from, well, how many different things that could have made up the earth?" It was clear that Asher did not see it as such a simple small action. 

"I only memorized a hundred and twenty three frequencies. It was really not much. We have way more things memorized than that in our heads." Again, Cara shrugged it all off. 

" I understand that I was wrong to ask. I should have just done my own research." Laura felt immediately outdone and decided that she would just focus on the food they were heading towards. 

Jackson spoke to everyone with the menu items he somehow knew from the top of his head. The night came quickly and the group didn\'t even end up heading home. They celebrated and promptly passed out in Asher\'s living room knowing that they were going to watch the senior tournament and face their sneaky exit consequences the next day. 

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