MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 749 - The Defiants Confederation

Chapter 749: The Defiants’ Confederation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Stop walking if you want to stay alive!”

At the entrance to Sin City, a female White Elf Vagabond with long, flowing hair suddenly appeared and blocked Li Yi’s way, effectively preventing him from moving forward.

She did not hide the name above her head. She was Alleria Windwalker.

Li Yi did not speak. Instead, he just looked at her quietly.

Among the white elves, there were three famous heroine sisters. Their status to the white elves was much like that of the Three Human Heroes to the humans.

Alleria Windwalker was one of the three Windwalker sisters, a legendary heroine of the White Elves.

Thousands of years ago, the battle to stop the demons’ invasion was not fought only by humans. Instead, it involved all beings of high intelligence, including Alleria the white elf.

Alleria had gone to Foreignland alone in order to destroy the demons’ teleportation point in Foreignland. After that, there was no longer any news of her.

The white elves thought that she had died long ago. No one knew that she had tenaciously survived in Foreignland all this while, still discreetly battling the demons.

“Don’t look at me like that, human. Even though I do not know what has happened after a few thousand years, but I have never forgotten the peace treaty signed between the white elves and Aragon.”

Thousands of years ago when Aragon sat on the Emperor’s throne, he signed a peace treaty with all races. That period of time was the most prosperous the Pantheon Continent has ever been.

Li Yi smiled. “Lady Alleria, the peace treaty between humans and white elves still exists. We will forever be friends.”

“Sin City is not somewhere you can barge into. Follow me, human, I’ll teach you the correct way to enter the city.”

Alleria relaxed her frown and waved at Li Yi. Then, she got on her Chocobo and led the way.

Li Yi summoned his Holy Light Warhorse and followed Alleria’s steps.

After going on for around ten minutes, Alleria stopped on top of a giant levitating rock and softly sang an incantation.

Soon, a magical gate appeared.

Li Yi stepped into the magical gate with Alleria. Immediately, the scenery before his eyes changed.

When the light before his eyes disappeared, they were standing within an enclosed building.

“This is an alternate dimension that we spent dozens of years building. In here, there’s no need for you to worry about the demons.”

As Alleria walked, she gave Li Yi some information.

Within this alternate dimension, Li Yi saw many other peculiar races aside from Alleria.

Orcs, half-orcs, kobolds, and even some races that were deemed ‘extinct’ in the Pantheon Continent were seen here.

A silly-looking, friendly pandafolk waved enthusiastically at Li Yi. “Hello newly-arrived friend, you’ll soon take a liking to this place.”

“It’s been so long since we’ve seen a new friend. How long has it been? One year? Two years? Ten years? A hundred years, or even a thousand years?” A two-headed monster counted frantically with its fingers...

“Think this is strange? In truth, this is not strange at all. Everyone and every race here gathered in this place because they were fighting the demons. Among them, many were slaves for the demons. This pandafolk was a martial monk, and this two-headed monster was a knight. Both of them were once slaves.”

“In contrast to the Pantheon Continent, Foreignland’s environment was so treacherous that those of us who were seen as enemies by the demons must band together and fight against external threats. Only then could we survive.”

After passing through a long passageway, Alleria led Li Yi to a ballroom-like place that was lit with a gentle and warm light. Right in the middle of the stage, a gorgeous dark elf lady was passionately making out with a white elf gentleman.

White elves and dark elves traditionally did not have a friendly relationship. In the Pantheon Continent, it was impossible for any intra-race romantic relationship to happen.

Looking forward, a dwarf girl lay within the arms of a mountain giant like a baby. Both of them were engaged in a passionate kiss as well...

It was another intra-race romance. However, the difference between their physiques was too much.

“To survive, we must unite within the boundless Foreignland, in this small paradise of ours. Even though they might have been enemies before, it is not outrageous to have love rise as a result of days and years of shared living.”

Alleria sighed.

“Woof woof woof, woof woof woof! O beautiful Alleria, please accept my love and marry me! Woof woof woof...”

A kobold hopped and jogged up to Alleria’s side, it rubbed its head intimately against her shin repeatedly.

An expression of utter abhorrence appeared on Alleria’s face. She gently lifted her leg and kicked the despicable kobold away, causing it to tumble.

“I am excluded from that,” said Alleria to Li Yi.

“Wait for me here while I go to explain the situation to the Chief.”

The Chief naturally referred to the Chief of this alternate dimension. The Chief was the reason why Alleria and the others could survive in the area.

After the guide left, it was time for players to freely move around.

Li Yi had come here countless times in his past life and thus was very familiar with the surroundings. He knew precisely which NPC would provide quests and which NPC would teach skills to players.

Li Yi ran towards the mountain giant that was hugging the dwarf girl and proceeded to rudely interrupt their passion.

“Are you Lady Barbara, the Great Engineer?”

“How do you know my name?”

The dwarf girl wiped her lips and stared at Li Yi in shock.

The mountain giant looked displeased and snorted through its nostrils. Then, it used its hands to slap the dwarf girl’s round and plump behind and laughed as it left.

At that moment, a name appeared above the dwarf girl’s head – Master-level Great Engineer Barbara.

This alternate dimension in the Foreignland was named the Defiants’ Home, and their organization was called the Defiants’ Confederation. Many peculiar abilities were hidden within this medium-sized organization.

Lady Barbara the Great Engineer was one of them.

Li Yi’s Engineering was already at Legendary-level. However, he only had a high Engineering level and severely lacked useful blueprints, which prevented him from taking advantage of his Engineering skill.

Lady Barbara knew how to create a very powerful engineered product called the Enigmatic Space-Jumping Appliance.

After players learned it, they could then space-jump whenever and wherever they wanted to. Basically, it was a limitless Infinite Random Scroll. Of course, like all engineering products, it would sometimes fail during use.

Li Yi opened Lady Barbara’s shop interface and immediately saw the Enigmatic Space-Jumping Appliance’s Blueprint.

The purchase requirement was that the player must have a Friendly Reputation Value with the Defiants’ Confederation. The price was 100 Gold Coins.

Li Yi’s current Reputation Value with the Defiants’ Confederation was Friendly, which allowed him to immediately purchase the blueprint.

After spending 100 Gold Coins, Li Yi had bought an Enigmatic Space-Jumping Appliance’s Blueprint.

“My friend, Foreignland’s environment was too dangerous for me to gather sufficient equipment to build a prototype. Thus, this Enigmatic Space-Jumping Appliance is just a blueprint for a theoretical product. If you have any problems with the final product that you make, you shouldn’t come back to blame me. Ohohohohoho...”

Barbara made a silly face at Li Yi.

By clapping both of his hand on the Blueprint, Li Yi finally learned the skills to make the Appliance.

Although the Blueprint’s purchase requirement was very low, its true requirements were very high as it could only be learned by Master-level players.

After he was dealt with the Blueprint, Li Yi went to find the pandafolk and spent 100 Gold Coins to purchase a High Proof Liquor Brewing Recipe.

This recipe could only be used by players with the Cooking profession. Despite not regularly training his cooking skills, Li Yi was already an Advanced-level Cook and had been for a very long time. It was more than enough for him to learn this liquor recipe.

The High Proof Liquor could be used in battle to temporarily increase all attributes of a character. Aside from that, it also increased a player’s Crit Rate, which gave it an effect far superior to the Advanced-level Fury Potion. However, its downside was its limited use; overconsumption of the liquor would cause players to enter a Drunk state, causing them to have blurred vision and dizziness.

With this thing, the Advanced-level Fury Potion could finally retire in glory.

Li Yi then continued to run around the area. When he finally returned to the ballroom, his Reputation with the Defiants’ Confederation has increased to Intimate.

At that time, Alleria has returned too. However, she did not look very happy; her brows were in a deep frown and her face was dark with worry.

“Human, the Chief is highly suspicious of the true reason behind your visit. You must accept a test in order to gain its trust. Are you willing to accept the test?”

Li Yi nodded.

Alleria sighed softly, “Go to Sin City and kill 1000 demons. Then, return and report to me!”

With a wave of Alleria’s hands, Li Yi was forcefully transported out of the Defiants’ Home and reappeared before the levitating giant rock.

He could no longer enter the Defiants’ Home until he completed the test.

The quest flow was exactly the same as the one in his past life. The only way to gain the trust of the Defiants’ Chief was to follow the instructions of the quests one step at a time.

The level of the demons within Sin City ranged from Level 130 to Level 160. To Li Yi, it was not a difficult feat to get rid of them.

Li YI returned to the nearby areas of Sin City. Instead of going into the city, he continued to wander around the outer areas to find demons who roamed out of the city alone.

This strategy of his was a very conservative one, and it was very safe too. At the very least, he did not need to worry about dying after being surrounded and attacked by an army of demons.

While Li Yi was going along with his test by doing his quest, first kill records for the Normal-mode if the Ancient King Series Dungeon in the Ancient Emperor’s Capital kept appearing in the World Channel.

Under Jiaojiao’s lead, Qian’er, Little Elf from the Magical Realm, Fire Ice and Pale Blue Elegance had formed a party that had taken three first kills for the five-player dungeons.

The maximum number of players in dungeons within the Ancient King Quest Series was 25, and the minimum was 5. It had around twenty minor and major dungeons that had two different modes, namely Normal and Heroic.

The Normal-mode was very simple, which caused many players to rush in for the first kill record.

Jiaojiao and her party managed to snatch three first kill records, while the Fluttering Snow Alliance obtained four first kills. The Windcloud Clan claimed another two, while the rest of the first kills were scattered among other players.

Within two days, the players had conquered all the Normal-mode dungeons in the Ancient King Series Dungeon, cleaning the plate and leaving not a crumb left.

However, the Heroic-mode caused breakdowns to the players that were after the records.

The Ancient King Series Dungeon was very easy in Normal-mode, but the Heroic-mode was extremely difficult.

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