The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 97 Talking Over Some Drinks

Chapter 97 Talking Over Some Drinks

The moment Jack exited the association building with Slivia in tow, he felt a tug on his arm. He stopped and looked back to see her smiling from ear-to-ear.

"So, what do you have planned?" asked Slivia.

"Well, like I said, I’ve got to look for something and it would help to have another set of eyes on hand," replied Jack, still showing some pink in his cheeks.

"Can we get some food first? I haven’t had lunch yet, and you left without finishing your food, right?"

Jack chuckled and scratched his head. "Yeah, I guess that’s fine. How about there?" He pointed across the street to Jezelle’s.

With a quick nod, Slivia grabbed Jack’s arm and let him lead the way. He took a deep breath as they crossed the dirt road, calming his surprise from Slivia suddenly getting so close to him. The moment they entered, the scent of booze and roasted meat passed over them, enticing them both and leading them to some open seats at the bar.

In a flash, Jezelle herself appeared from the back and approached the couple. "Well, well, it seems like you’re doing well for yourself nowadays. What can I get you to drink?"

Jack was about to respond when Slivia answered in his stead. "Two brundies and two house specials. Only the best for our first date."

Jezelle smiled when she realized how confident Slivia was in claiming Jack as her own. "Of course, only the best for the lovely couple," replied Jezelle before she vanished without another word, catching Jack off guard.

Slivia looked back to Jack and asked, "I’m sure a great hero like you can afford a simple special for your date, right? Anyways, I’m glad you finally asked me out. I almost gave up hope."

Not having enough time to think about Jezelle’s slight coldness to him, Jack responded, "Yeah, don’t worry about the meal, I can take care of it."

"Good, if not then I’d have been disappointed," laughed Slivia.

When he saw her light-hearted smile, Jack was taken aback and paused all trains of thought. He was amazed at how close he had suddenly become with Slivia, and shocked at how their relationship was like this despite their recent lack of interactions.

"Hello, Jack?"

Slivia’s remark woke Jack from his daydreams of her smile and laughter. "Oh, sorry I spaced out for a moment there."

"So, what’s the answer?" asked Slivia.

"Answer? To what?"

"Jack, you’re going to make me ask you again? Don’t you know how embarrassing it is for a girl to ask you how you feel about here and ignore her?"

"No, no, that’s not what I was doing!" answered Jack.

"Then why are you making me ask again?" repeated Slivia.

"I wasn’t ignoring you, I swear!" reaffirmed Jack. "Why would I ignore the girl I like? That would be the stupidest thing." As soon as the words left Jack’s mouth, his eyes went wide and he was jaw went slack. He realized that he had said too much.

While he was stammering and unable to saying anything more, Slivia started giggling. "Wow, you’re more honest than I thought."

"Well, I try, I guess," said Jack with a red face. "I’m not always the, uhh... best at sharing my feelings."

"Really?" asked Slivia. She gave him a once over, stunned to see a completely new side of Jack. "I didn’t expect you to be so different."

"What do you mean? Do you not like me?" questioned Jack with a rushed tone.

"No, I like you too," answered Slivia with a blushing grin, "but you’re not like how you were in the mine. Then, you were confident in everything and were brave enough to invade the goblin castle on your own. Seeing you so shy now, I’m amazed that you’re the same person."

"I-I..." stammered Jack, unable to think of a reply.

"Sorry about the wait." Suddenly, Jezelle reappeared with two mugs and two plates in hand. "I’m sure you two will enjoy it, though maybe not as much as your company." With a wink to Slivia, Jezelle vanished as quickly as she appeared.

"Finally." Slivia took a big whiff of the roast beef’s aroma before nodding to Jack and waiting for him to start eating.

With a nervous chuckle, he nodded and grabbed the fork on the side of the plate. Both of them took their time with the meal, enjoying the mashed potatoes and savoring the roast beef.

Slivia was the first to finish her meal but Jack was already on his second brundy and avoiding any conversation. She noticed this and waited patiently for him to finish his plate. Soon after he was done with the meal, he attempted to grab his mug but was surprised to grab Slivia’s hand instead.

"I’m still thirsty but don’t want a full mug. Can I have a sip?" asked Slivia, tilting her head to show her natural charm.

"Of-of course, go right ahead." He let her take the mug and finish the little that was left in it.

She wiped her mouth and quietly placed the cup back down with a sigh. "Why don’t you want to talk to me now? I thought you wanted to take me out?"

Jack held his breath as he looked back at her puppy dog eyes. He swallowed some saliva in his throat before he replied, "I... I’m not very experienced with girls if you haven’t noticed."

"Oh, believe me, I’ve noticed," giggled Slivia. "That’s fine. I’m just surprised, you’re like a completely different person than the Jack I know."

"Sorry to disappoint you," sighed Jack as he lowered his head.

"I’m not."

That quick reply was a jolt to Jack’s senses, causing him to sit up and stare at the girl beside him dumbfoundedly.

"I’m not disappointed at all. If anything, I’m happy. I can tell you’re not trying to hide anything from me, which is a lot more than everyone else that asks me out," explained Slivia. "Oh, I forgot to ask, how old are you?"

"I... I’m twenty-two," replied Jack, still dazed from Slivia’s simple reply. "And you?"

"Hmph." Suddenly a light jab hit Jack in the side of his arm.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"Don’t you know to never ask a woman her age?" Slivia showed a slight frown and crossed her arms. Jack was about to speak up but she added in a whisper for only Jack’s ears, "Twenty-three. I’m twenty-three."

He rubbed his arm with a smile. "And you don’t mind that I’m younger? I heard that some girls are against that or that--"

"I don’t mind," Slivia cut him off. "As long as it’s you, I’m okay with that."

Jack froze again, unsure how he should reply. A moment of silence was shared before he cleared his throat and said, "Well, we should get going if we want to find the place I’m looking for." He rushed to his feet, left the money on the bar, and turned towards the door.

She sighed, disappointed that he hadn’t said anything to acknowledge her feelings. Suddenly, a warm hand reach out and wrapped around her fingers as she turned to follow him,

"Shall we go?" Jack looked at her with a smile, still unable to control his blushing face.

Slivia nodded and giggled to herself as they left the tavern.

Just then a voice rang out in Jack’s mind. ’Me want see Sliv too! Can me come out now?’

Jack laughed and patted his side through his cloak. ’Sure, you can come out now. Besides, I’ll need your help to track something.’

Rustling sounds were heard as Bowzer poked his head out the cloak and leaped to the ground.

"There you are!" Slivia rushed to pick up the kid fox and brush her fingers through his fur. "I still find it hard to believe that you’re a Hell-flame Fox. How did you two meet, anyway?"

"I’ll explain that on the way, but first I need his help." Jack quickly removed his storage necklace and held it in front of Bowzer. "Can you pick up the scent?"

With a quick sniff, Bowzer nodded and rushed through the streets under the midday sun with Jack and Slivia following close behind as they discussed Jack’s first meeting with Bowzer. The young fox took them through some alleys to rush past the crowded streets and they soon neared the west gate.

Considering Jack’s fast rise to fame, the city guards let him pass without a single word and went about their own business.

"Jack, where are you taking me? What are you planning?" asked Slivia with innocence in her eyes.

"It’s not like that, we’re tracking another fallen hero. Remember the tomb we found in the mine? This time, it’s the original owner of this necklace. Without Bowzer leading the way, who knows how long it would take to find it," explained Jack. "Also, since the owner was a girl, I wonder if she left behind anything that might interest you."

Slivia smiled softly and asked, "How do you know she was a girl?"

"Ummm... It’s a hero thing, someday I’ll explain to you and the others."

’Jack, over there,’ said Bowzer as he left the main road and led them into the thickest parts of the surrounding forest.

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