The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 519: Stepping into a trap

Chapter 519: Stepping into a trap

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Ol’Seadog nodded.


After a long while, he stepped into the cabin again.

"There isn’t a problem, cap’n. The four children has inherited the shade of their father’s hair and pupils; be lookin’ identical to him. Furthermore, Mister Kayto asks of me, if it be possible, might the cap’n allocate some gold fer him to procure a magical balm. Tis’ balm be known to hail from Saudi Arabia, possessin’ great healing efficacy fer wounds and illnesses. Tis’ be his original words - each ounce of the balm can save ten lives durin’ a crisis."

Sheyan decisively answered.

"Alright. Take Canbi and Blacksail with ye. Bring along another ten lads. I confer 10,000 guineas unto you, go purchase to its limits."

Yet another period elapsed. Perfuming with thick scent, an on oil balm was presented to Sheyan where his nightmare imprint notified him.

[ This is a magic ointment manufactured with the fats of a sperm whale in the Sudan Royal Company. Integrated with various essences, when a storyline character utilizes it, their wounds will rapidly cease from bleeding and heal completely within 24 hours. When a contestant utilizes it, receive an additional HP regeneration of +10HP/minutes; duration: 12 hours. This ointment can be used for 50 times ]

A single tin of oil balm had merely costed 300 guineas. Yet noteworthily, Mister Kayto could only purchase 7-8 tins before the stocks were emptied out…

Following that, the pirates who had scattered to taverns and bars returned, while other pirates seeking to join Sheyan’s crew came in an endless stream. However, Sheyan’s crew was already hitting a saturated capacity. Moreover, it was better to employ loyal and obedient underlings, and thus new pirates were enlisted with demanding criterias.

Since that was so, he managed to retain several tens of capable pirates, of which two of them possessed formidable might; ones that were shockingly on the tier of Scarface Harry and Alan Dale!

Evidently, those two possessed either an impressive unique storyline equipment on hand, or an outstanding individual ability. Originally, they acted arrogantly and untamed, yet after witnessing Canbi’s strength and Blacksail’s agility, they became fully convinced.

One of them named Springswan Killer, communicated a clear objective. Upon joining Sheyan’s crew, he directly raised his hopes of gaining enhanced strength through his merits in the future. He possessed abilities in both martial might and magic, where he could control frost. Not only could he enchant weapons with his magic, he could even freeze his enemy’s limbs through direct contact of his hand.

The other pirate was named Prince, an individual who took pride in his fists. He appeared rather brassy and strong, but after getting ruthlessly knocked into place by Canbi, he became slightly well-behaved. His objective for joining the crew, was primarily for the exorbitant booty.

With their entry, Sheyan’s crew once again bolstered their naval boarding battle capabilities. In addition to the ‘Royal Sudan Ointment’, the pirates would also portray greater confidence in such close proximity battles.

Joshamee Gibbs also surprisingly recommended two individuals to Sheyan. Those two individuals weren’t adept in naval combat, but were crucial characters for navigation at sea. Moreover, they were renowned in Tortuga.

The first was a gambler named Spike. Everytime he obtained gold, he would definitely squander everything away at gambling taverns, before borrowing more and proceeding with his prodigal habits. Nevertheless, this individual had an exceptional reputation, and was frequently able to acquire more cash to continue gambling. The reason why he could always find a borrowing source, was due to his exceptional carpentry. This current era was focused on wooden constitution warships, his carpentry skills was definitely one of the best and formidable. Furthermore, Sheyan was coincidentally lacking a talent who could swiftly repair and provide maintenance for his ship.

In order to invite Spike on board, Sheyan had to become his guarantor and paid off his debt; where his expenditure reached an extravagant valuation of 15,000 gold guineas. Such a figure would definitely be a heartache to other captains, but Sheyan didn’t seem to care.

The other character was named Sace, renowned for his expertise in operating the sails. The ships of this era sailed fully reliant on the wind, and a outstanding sail operator would definitely increase the efficiency and speed during voyages.

For a captain that pursued speed, he absolutely couldn’t miss out on him. Still, Sace had an eccentric personality, and his only weakness was his wife; while his wife’s weakness was identical to most plump and obese women…she was extremely greedy.

Hence, to invite Sace, another 10,000 gold guineas leaked out of Sheyan’s finances. By now, the acquired wealth from the gypsies had plunged to a new low, falling from the heights of 6 figure sum. Despite so, Sheyan continued to procure large quantities of special Tortuga merchandises, where he desired to peddle them to Port Royal.

In the end, his pirate underlings attempted to dissuade him one after another, citing that Port Royal was extremely strict when it came to smuggling. Especially after Norrington had assumed the role as defending officer of Port Royal, enforcement was implemented on every aspect impartially. Don’t even mention Sheyan who was a new patron without inside relations, even the tyrant Skrtel’s business had been large affected; resulting in transactions falling by a fold as compared to previously.

Instead, his crew wasn’t aware that the trio had an outrageous method known as their party storage; allowing them to easily bypass the rigid surveillance of the port’s officers. If not, his crew would inevitably have to walk the plank.

Following that, nothing particular happened. When Mister Lohan’s dispatched artesans had completed their refurbishing of the Hill Maiden, the Hill Maiden was long prepared and replenished with fresh water and food supplies. Raising its massive sails, its anchor was retracted as it returned to the sail the vast oceans.

However, 5-6 nautical miles into their voyage, Sheyan issued an order - advance with half speed! Although all of his pirate crew had no clue about that, they still complied once their captain released his order.

Yet another 7-8 nautical miles had past. The lookout, Ol’Seadog, ordered his men to report about two British Royal Navy third rate ships were overbearingly pursuing in. Those were very possibly the two ships they sold of previously, and appeared as if they harboured malicious intent.

Sheyan then laughed heartily.

"As expected, those brats are here. Sace! It is time for you to perform, take note of maintaining the ship’s speed. Those brats are probably novices in terms of naval voyages, just consistently maintain this distance between them. We shall drag them deeper into the sea where they cannot escape, before we dispose of them."

Sace was a habitually silent individual. Upon hearing Sheyan’s order, he begun leisurely instructing and manipulating his subordinates in operating the sails. To him, such a small task didn’t require him to personally act.

At this instant, a notion jolted through Brother Black’s heart like a current.

"All these…I’m afraid boss must’ve planned this a long time ago!!"

Indeed, Sheyan had already began scheming right before he had sold off his two third rate ships. The few ships he had commandeered were all active warships of the British Royal Navy, and was relatively outstanding in terms of pursuing in combat. Hence, placing them in a pirate port like Tortuga, they were already considered as quality products.

Therefore, contestants who seeked naval battle efficiency, would inevitably purchase the two third rate ships. Furthermore, Sheyan had a hundred ways of inviting Joshamee away, yet he just had to choose the most bombastic approach. Naturally, it was to incite wrath within them.

Those contestants didn’t dare to mobilize against them in a ‘safety zone’ like Tortuga, and definitely wouldn’t be able to turn hostile in Port Royal as well. Without a doubt, they could only engage in combat while voyaging through the sea.

They probably heard of the major affairs regarding the trio in Tortuga port, but hearing itself wasn’t as earth shattering as personally witnessing. Most importantly, the contestants weren’t stupid individuals. They were very clear, if Sheyan was truly able to call upon the Kraken Octopus Paul to do battle……then factoring the balanced evaluation of the realm, they definitely wouldn’t be assembled together with such a party in this world!

Thus, those contestants treated Sheyan’s earlier conduct as merely a false bravado!! Squaring off with an individual who pulled false pretense, they absolutely would aggressively rush in search of contending with the trio. However, their intentions had already fallen into Sheyan’s conception.

As the ships’ bow of the two third rate ships filled with contestants could be seen from afar, Sheyan’s lips had curled into a sly smile. He shouted towards the presently scouting Ol’Seadog.

"How long till the enemy catches up?"

Ol’Seadog’s booming voice immediately echoed along the seas like a clashing gong.

"Cap’n, if ye really wishes for a reply, then they be pursuin’ for a lifetime. Their ships be minimally loaded with 70 cannons, those grievous scallywags be dyin’ to equip 7-pounder cannons at their bows. The sail operators of their ship is truly worthy of me admiration, to actually reach their speed under such weight."

Sheyan responded with a hearty laughter.

"We’ll go with this then. Sace, maintain our current state. Once we reach 200 nautical miles away from Tortuga, allow them to encroach in within 800 metres. With that state, they can only use their bow cannons to bombard us. When that happens, AK, it will be time for your performance."

At this point, the topic of disparity between ‘effective range’ and’ farthest range’ must be raised. Within the official data, AK had an effective range of 300 metres, while his farthest range was actually nearing a kilometre. However, to a gunmen, the farthest effective range would be equivalent to a female with a heavy makeup, gaudy dress and C-cup bra padding; looking impressive but no doubt worthless. One wouldn’t even have to mull over it…

Indeed, even though Sheyan’s ship had completely forsaken artillery, Brother Black’s ‘SN-9 Wasp’ could scarcely be employed as a semi-sniper rifle. Despite being vastly inferior in comparison to the effective range of an ordinary sniper rifle, his ‘SN-9 Wasp’ was already equipped with an impressive component of boosting its effective range by 300 metres. Factoring Brother Black’s basic abilities that could further enhance the effective range of his weapons, in addition to his possessed equipments further boosting his precision, his effective range had already reached the distance of 800 metres!!

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