Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 395: The Annihilation of The Red Dog Commando

Chapter 395: The Annihilation of The Red Dog Commando

Translator: Yamir Moon


Due to the fact that Fang Yun’s speed is too fast, some space fighters along the way had no time to dodge. They either collided with Fang Yun’s body and were pulverized, or enveloped in the lightning sea and exploded.

In just a few seconds, Fang Yun had already arrived in front of the second planet-destroyer spaceship. After which he immediately radiated a strange, invisible field.

“Damn it, what the hell is this?”

Conway in the control center noticed something wrong with his body. A look of panic quickly appeared on his face. He quickly rushed forward and stood in front of a smooth metal plate, looking at the reflection of his face.

His face was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, this surreal scene shocked and scared the sh*t out of him, looking around, he found out that everyone else in the control room was experiencing the same thing.

All of them are aging at a speed incalculably faster than normal. If things keep going like this, they will all soon die.


Conway let out a loud cry, feeling extremely horrified and regretful. He also found out that the serpent-like Pathogen that is attacking them is exactly the Pathogen they are looking for.

It’s laughable to think that they were planning to capture or even kill such a monster before. They were even worried about finding it, but now that it appeared in front of them, they realized something in despair, that is they can’t even dream of dealing with such a monster with just their strength.

This monster is too strong.

Just its sub-light speed alone is not something they can deal with. No matter whether it’s their space fighters, cargo ships, or even Planet-destroying spaceship, none could react.

In addition, its defense is ridiculously high. Their turbo laser cannons couldn’t do anything to that monster. Finally, the thing that made Conway feel the most terrified is the force that is acting and their body, accelerating their aging speed by millions of times;

“What the hell is this?”

In just a few seconds, Conway’s face was already filled with wrinkles. He felt that his body was extremely weak, just like a dying old man.

In fact, after crossing death multiple times, he had long ago prepared to die, but not in this weird and terrifying way!

That monster is using a power that is beyond his cognition, he hadn’t heard about anything similar before!


On the other side, his adjutant Ryan was screaming in horror. He stared at his hands that were getting skinnier and more wrinkled by the second with a horrified look.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”


One person after the other powerlessly fell onto the ground, Adjutant Ryan fell down unwillingly. Conway finally couldn’t hold it anymore. He slowly landed on the floor, dead, his face still filled with fear and confusion.

Outside the Planet-Destroyer, Fang Yun hovered beside it. He didn’t act anymore. He had already destroyed the two most threatening enemy spaceships, the rest can be left to the Federation’s fleet.

Of course, for the occasional annoying space fighters that pass in front of him, he immediately launches a laser beam and sends them on the road.

At the same time, he also solved the giant cargo ship of the Red Dog Commando, leaving only the space fighters for the human fleet to practice.

Currently, the space fighters of the human Federation and of the SkyRiver Empire are fighting in space.

Without the two planet-destroyers and cargo ships, humans were able to face the remaining space fighters with ease.

They dispatched one hundred and fifty rulers, three gourmets, and a Battleship this time, they are naturally confident. Most importantly, the space fighters’ pilots belonging to the SkyRiver Empire had no fighting spirit.

Their command and cargo ships have been destroyed and captured by the enemy, what can they do?

Although the SkyRiver Empire’s fleet could be said to be defeated, many space fighters didn’t give up, but they couldn’t turn a splash in front of the Federation’s fleet and with the assistance of the giant turtle.

After half an hour, the human fleet finally wiped out all of the enemies. Of course, they also captured some prisoners. Their role is to act as miners in source stone mines in the future.

“Your Excellency, this SkyRiver fleet has been annihilated by us.”

Fang Yun didn’t expect the human fleet to clean up the space fighters of the SkyRiver Empire so quickly. It seems that these guys already had quite a lot of experience in space battles.

However, they can go even further. Especially their combat literacy and combat capability.

Anyway, Fang Yun and the giant turtle are there to act as their guarantee.

The giant turtle isn’t as fast as Fang Yun, but it’s still faster than most space fighters. It might not look like it, but the giant turtle has great potential, its strength is increasing by the day, it might be due to its Star Beast bloodline awakening, but whether it’s its speed, strength or defense are increasing by the day.

“Henry, prepare your team immediately. We will attack the Dome civilization, we must not let them escape!”

Fang Yun sent this message to Henry. In just a short while, the human fleet dealt with the aftermath of the battle and gathered together.

It’s just that the previous war still resulted in quite a few casualties on their side, despite the overwhelming advantage they had. The most powerful civilization in the galaxy is indeed worthy of its name.

“Let’s go.”

In the control center of a cargo spaceship, Henry immediately issued the command to go forward. Fang Yun’s orders are his priority in this operation/

All the teams continued moving forward at this time.

On the other end, on Dome planet.

Emperor Philip and his twelve counselors were discussing major issues in their civilization, and all of them looked very excited.

This time, the arrival of the Red Dog Commando gave them a boost in their military power, the firepower of the Red Dog commando is indeed very fierce.

With the addition of Conway and his fleet, that terrifying creature would definitely not be able to hide. When the time comes, under their combined attack, that Pathogen and the civilization controlled by it will fall under them!

The counselors were also very excited. Since the SkyRiver Empire sent such a fleet, it means that they really took this matter seriously. If they really caught the pathogen here, they will indeed receive very rich rewards.

“Your Majesty, the fleet of the SkyRiver Empire can’t be contacted now.”

Right at that moment, a counselor frowned slightly, his Majesty just talked with the commander of the SkyRiver Empire’s fleet a while ago, but in a blink of an eye, the signal was cut off, they can’t contact them anymore.

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing that the counselor’s expression was wrong, Emperor Philp quickly asked.

“Is it because the SkyRiver Empire’s fleet does not want us to contact them for fear of us monitoring them?”

“Your Majesty, this isn’t very likely.”

The counselor said. “If they wanted to do this, they can directly block the network signal at the beginning.”

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