Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 310: Surprising Encounter

Chapter 310: Surprising Encounter

Translator: Yamir Moon



Looking at the fleet of 25 ships surrounding the smaller one composed off 20 ships, Fang Yun couldn’t help but sigh.

The fleet with 25 ships is the pirate group and the fleet with 20 ships is the merchant group.

After careful observation, he noticed that this pirate fleet should be composed of two different pirate groups as they have two different flags and are faintly divided into two groups.

Their opponent, the merchant fleet is now in a formation to resist the attack of these pirates.

Although they are pirates, their equipment is actually very advanced. Anyway, the merchant fleet they are targeting is far from their opponent, whether it’s technology or numbers. As long as the reveal a slight flaw, the battle will end very quickly.


In the pirate fleet, on one of the largest ships a burly man, over 2 meters tall, was laughing loudly.

”Mid Hai Mao’s fleet. We really caught a big fat sheep this time, but they are a bit tenacious.”

White Beard, you senile old man, you are really brave, You even dare to attack the Mid Hai Mao fleet, you know that there is a giant company behind them.”

Next to the old man nicknamed white beard, a one-eyed middle-aged said with a sneer on his face.

”Heh, Black Hawk, although you are saying this, didn’t you quickly run over when I mentioned this to you?”

White Beard sarcastically said.

”In this vast, unmonitored sea, whether it’s big companies, nobles, high officials, no one count as sh*t. No matter how famous or powerful they are In front of my energy canons, they are still lambs to be slaughtered.”

”But Black Hawk, if you don’t work harder, you’ll only get 10% of the cargo later on.”


The one-eyed middle-aged yelled with bloodshot eyes.

”White Beard, my fleet is holding 11 of their ships, more than yours. The way I see it, it’s you who should get 10% of their cargo!”

”Fuck your mother, my fleet is the one that created the hole n their formation, what are you talking about?”

The two pirate captains started scolding each other intensely on the ship, but their eye hardly budged from the holographic screen in front of them.

On that holographic screen, the scenes presented is that of the merchant ships not far away.

Suddenly, the two of them stopped talking at once, closely staring at the holographic screen in front of them.

Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light flew from the pirate fleet straight to the sky above the merchant fleet. A few seconds later, the beam of light exploded, turning into countless smaller beams, which fell straight towards the merchant fleet below.

”Da! Da! Da! Da! Da!”

The sound machine guns roaring sounded as countless explosive bullets headed towards the beam light in the sky, intercepting them;

The beam of light detonated at a height of 2 to 3 kilometers above the sea surface, dividing into thousands of smaller light beams, which fell down like a meteor shower.

These small light beams exploded densely under the intense firepower of the machine guns, forming countless dazzling explosions in the air.

However, many beams still slipped through the bullet net, falling straight on the merchant fleet below.

Most of these light beams fell into the water, but some still fell on the merchant fleet ships, creating loud explosions.

”Damn, the firepower of those pirates is too fierce.”

In the command room of the biggest ship in the middle of the merchant fleet, Pang Ming looked at the screen in front of him, only to see one of their ships exploding, the sight of many people crying as they died is truly mortifying.

He is the captain of this merchant fleet and a supervisor of the Tang Group.

”Captain Pang, what should we do now?”

Next to Pang Ming, stood a stone-faced man. His name is Luo Hai, Pang Ming’s deputy, and he is truly panicking while watching the sight of their fleet slowly getting destroyed.

It’s not that he is afraid of death or something similar. He has been wandering in this ocean for more than a dozen years, he has long been prepared for death.

However, this time, the cargo they transported is somewhat special. They caught the extremely rare deep-sea sturgeon. From which a special oil can be extracted. This oil can reduce the load on humans’ nerves.

To be straightforward, for the people working on the Old Land, who are suffering from mental pressure every day, this oil is vital for them.

On the market, the price of this fish oil is amazing, causing many companies to take risks and send large fleets outside of the hunting area to look for it.

In the present age, most opportunities exist in the Old Land. Not to mention the government, almost all big companies, as long as they don’t want to be left behind, must venture on the Old Land to take risks.

”Hold on, hold on!”

Pang Ming yelled loudly.

”We must take this batch of deep-sea sturgeons back! I heard that this time the young lady is personally going to the Old Land to conduct research.”

”This rare sturgeon is vital for the young lady, we must take it back!”

After hearing Pang Ming’s words, Luo Hai grit his teeth. He violently picked up the microphone and yelled at his subordinates to strengthen the defense. He informed them that they must block these projectiles.

However, it was counterproductive. In less than three minutes, they lost another merchant ship.

“Boom! Boom!!”

On the sea surface, two more merchant ships were hit, caused him to explode. All the ships that were hit inevitably sank, as for what happened to the people on them, it need not be said.

What’s scary and frustrated for them, is that with each ship sinking, their defense layer is reduced, allowing even more light beams to fall from the sky. This is a vicious cycle.

”Captain Pang, we really can’t continue like this anymore”

In the command room, Luo Hai said seriously to Pang Ming.

”Captain Pang, We don’t have any other way, you have to board the submarine, take the deep-sea sturgeon with you and leave.”

”We will block these pirates for you.”

After Pang Ming heard Luo Hai’s words, he gritted his teeth so hard that blood started seeping from the corner of his mouth. He has never hated someone as much as those pirates in his life.

This is currently their last and only option. Moreover, it’s also extremely dangerous. The area they are in is thousands of kilometers away from the nearest habitable place.

He will certainly encounter many giant sea monsters along the way, so the danger factor of this trip can be imagined

Although their submarine isn’t small, it’s one kilometer long, but it’s next to impossible for a single submarine to cross such a long distance safely.

Furthermore, these pirates must certainly be monitoring all corners of this area, so can their submarine even escape past them?


Suddenly, another merchant ship exploded, leaving behind only 12 ships in this fleet, and even this number is rapidly decreasing.

He doesn’t have the time to hesitate.

”Luo Hai, I…”

Pang Ming took a deep breath and was about to say something, but suddenly paused, he looked at the screen in front of them with a surprised look on his face.

”What is that?”


Not far away from the battle center, Fang Yun was staring at the merchant fleet. To be precise, the two flags floating hung on their ships.

He doesn’t recognize one of the flags but he has a vague impression of the other.

”Um… yes, it’s the flag that was hung on that conch, my internet friend’s fleet.”

Fang Yun suddenly remembered his internet friend, that beautiful girl. The flag hung on her ship is the same as the one hung on those merchant ships.

”Is this fleet affiliated with that girl’s company?”

Fang Yun didn’t expect to meet an affiliated fleet to his internet friend’s company here.

After pondering for a while, he dived underwater, then swam towards the pirates fleet.

That’s perfect, he just wants to test how much bio-energy do these ships provide.

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