The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 224 - A Gratitude Visit from Jiang Changfeng

On hearing that they were going to visit the Ling Mansion to express their gratitude, Jiang Shennian furrowed his brow. “He’s just a kid. There’s no need for you to personally pay him a gratitude visit. Having a couple of servants deliver some thank-you gifts there will suffice.”

But Jiang Changfeng said, “He might be a kid, but Yuwen Tong is not.”

Jiang Shennian sneered, “They haven’t got married yet, have they? Yu’er is of far nobler birth than he is. Surely he wouldn’t dare think we owe him a favor?”

Jiang Changfeng looked at his son, his face fairly displeased. “We definitely owe him a favor. End of discussion. Tomorrow I’ll personally visit him and thank him, and my decision is final.”

Jiang Shennian was shocked. “Father?!”

Jiang Changfeng had risen to his feet. “Let Yu’er have some rest if you don’t have any other business here. The principal of the Imperial College is still waiting in the living room. I’ll go and meet him. And it’s about time you left as well.”

Jiang Shennian still felt it unbelievable that Jiang Changfeng was going to personally pay Ling Zhang a visit to thank him. “Is father out of his mind?”

Jiang Yu’s mother, however, was quite confused. “He saved Yu’er’s life. What’s the problem with thanking him for that? Surely, we can afford some thank-you gifts, can’t we? If it weren’t for the fact that I’m a woman and it’s inappropriate for me to go, I would pay him a visit and express my gratitude as well. I don’t care whether or not he is arrogant and domineering. Nothing would stop me from being grateful to him for saving my son’s life.”

Jiang Shennian was displeased with her wife’s words but knew better than to quarrel with her in the presence of his son, so eventually he gave a flick of his sleeves and left.

Because of Jiang Changfeng’s words, Jiang Yu’s mother also didn’t stay long. After a short while, she also walked out of the room.

Jiang Yu, lying in bed with an inscrutable countenance, pondered over something. Eventually, he smacked a fist down onto the bed and closed his eyes to rest, unreconciled to this situation, but no sooner had he closed his eyes than the scenes of Ling Zhang killing the horse and himself embarrassedly falling into Ling Zhang’s arms twice uncontrollably started replaying themselves in his mind, which made Jiang Yu feel exceptionally awkward and ashamed. But back there in the wood, he’d already lapsed into despair; when his clothes had been caught on branches and his horse had still been dragging him forward, in particular, he had believed that his death was certain. When Ling Zhang had shown up and killed the horse, he had really heaved a great sigh of relief, feeling as if he had been reincarnated. But every time he recalled himself twice falling into...

All in all, Jiang Yu was having very mixed feelings. One moment, he felt embarrassed and ashamed, and the next, he wished he would never have to feel again for the rest of his life what he’d felt when he’d been rescued. The sense of relief and gratitude that had surged inside him at Ling Zhang’s appearance was still vivid... These two contradictory and confused thoughts caused Jiang Yu’s mood to fluctuate violently, which along with the painful wounds conspired to make him seem somewhat fidgety.

In the living room, Jiang Changfeng met the principal of the Imperial College but said only two or three sentences from start to finish before dismissing the principal, who wiped the sweat from his forehead while leaving.

Jiang Changfeng was sitting in a chair contemplating. Sure enough he didn’t want to say ‘thank you’ to a youngster his grandson’s age, but Ling Zhang was more than Ling Zhang – it was his backer Yuwen Tong that concerned Jiang Changfeng.

A few days ago, Jiang Yu exploiting his name had pressurized Professor Du into cooperating with him, scheming to have Ling Zhang expelled from the Imperial College, but Ling Zhang had counter-attacked and got Professor Du fired instead. At that time he had merely felt this Ling Zhang guy was not bad but hadn’t given it much thought, for that had been a matter between his grandson and his classmate after all, but immediately after that, the incident of the Xiang City had incriminated Jiang family and resulted in his son’s removal from office. He was positive that the riot of the Xiang City had been well hushed up. How had it come to be suddenly brought to light? Jiang Changfeng had wondered whether his son’s dismissal from his post had really been a coincidence. He had suspected Yuwen Tong. Others might not know much about it, but he was fully aware of how formidable Yuwen Tong was. Someone who had not only recovered the lost territory against overwhelming odds but also reduced the Wan Kingdom to how it was today definitely had finesse and subterfuge beyond common people’s imagination. Jiang Changfeng also knew very well how suspicious and wary of Yuwen Tong the emperor was.

As a result, Jiang Changfeng couldn’t help but lay suspicions on Yuwen Tong, though he had no proof.

And of course he loathed Ling Zhang, who was possibly the cause of all this.

But he couldn’t help but give more thought to what had happened earlier this day. It had come as a great surprise to him that Ling Zhang had saved his grandson’s life.

So no matter what, he must pay a visit to the Ling Mansion to express his gratitude. Also, it was high time he had a meeting with Yuwen Tong.


When Jiang Changfeng arrived at the front doors of the Ling Mansion, Ling Zhang was lying in a deck chair, and Xie Shi changing his dressing said, “Had His Majesty not sent a court physician here, the treatment for your injury would have been a lot simpler, Childe Ling.”

Ling Zhang said, “Wasn’t it a good thing that he saved you some trouble?”

Xie Shi had been very busy recently, instructing Yang Liuzi and some others in martial formations and inducting a select few security guards into detoxification skills.

Xie Shi gave a snort, clearly displeased with the court physician who had stepped on his toes.

At this time, someone came from the outside reporting Jiang Changfeng’s arrival to Ling Zhang, who was astonished and looked at Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong stood up. “Stay here and have your dressing changed. I’ll go and see.”

Ling Zhang was amazed to learn that Jiang Changfeng had personally come here to thank him. Seeing Yuwen Tong walk out, he believed Jiang Changfeng would leave after having a talk with Yuwen Tong, but unexpectedly, Jiang Changfeng came over with Yuwen Tong.

As he caught sight of Jiang Changfeng, Ling Zhang, though unaware of what was going on, still attempted to rise from his chair.

On entry, Jiang Changfeng saw Ling Zhang having his dressing changed and realized that Yuwen Tong had been telling the truth when he’d told him about Ling Zhang’s injury in the ante-room. He stopped Ling Zhang from standing up by saying, “You may continue to have your dressing changed, Childe Ling. There’s no need for such formalities. Besides, you saved my grandson’s life, so I should bow to you, not the other way around. Thank you for your great kindness, Childe Ling.”

“I don’t really deserve such compliment. Childe Jiang is my school friend. I but did what a school friend should do, nothing more,” said Ling Zhang.

Ling Zhang appeared very composed at Jiang Changfeng’s sudden appearance and words from start to finish, and his attitude was quite usual as well.

Leaving aside the brief meeting he had with Ling Zhang in the stands of the hunting ground on that day, this was the first time that Jiang Changfeng had talked with Ling Zhang in person. He found that though Ling Zhang was rather different from his public image as a cocky and domineering youth, his calm and unhurried bearing was quite consistent with the Ling Zhang who had dared to directly snap back at the Ninth Princess at the city gate, insulted Zuo Yi and some others without scruple, and also stood up to Yuwen Zhi at that palace banquet by shooting down his excuses. Jiang Changfeng, with a thoughtful look on his face, flicked a glance at Yuwen Tong who had no respect for him at all, and came to realize what the source of Ling Zhang’s confidence was.

Jiang Changfeng didn’t stay long. He left after only a short while. Before taking his leave, he said that Jiang family wouldn’t forget this favor Ling Zhang had done them, and also gave Ling Zhang a thank-you gift.

After Yuwen Tong returned from seeing Jiang Changfeng out, Ling Zhang asked him, “Why did Jiang Changfeng personally come here to thank me?”

Yuwen Tong sneered, “This wily old fox definitely has guessed that I interfered in the matter of the Xiang City. Currently he doesn’t dare make an enemy of me, and you saved Jiang Yu’s life, so he conveniently paid you a visit to clarify his position.”

“He’s already known but has no intention of taking revenge for his son’s dismissal?” Ling Zhang was puzzled.

“He’s fully aware of the truth about your being picked on in the Imperial College on that day. Today, by expressing his gratitude to you in my presence, he was also stating his stand on that matter,” explained Yuwen Tong.

Ling Zhang’s lip curled. In other words, Jiang Changfeng, who had an intimate knowledge of the history between them, had taken advantage of this opportunity and made an attempt to put an end to it.

Each of these people was more calculating than the last. Now that even Jiang Changfeng had paid him a personal visit to thank him, it would be inappropriate if they refused to let it go. Besides, he had saved Jiang Yu’s life, which seemed to have indicated that he had no intention to take further retaliatory action.

After closing the topic about Jiang Changfeng, Yuwen Tong brought up the horse race. “The emperor seems to have no intention of canceling the horse race. I think it’s going to be held as scheduled.”

Ling Zhang felt a sense of relief. “Then the racecourse...”

“Everything’s in readiness,” said Yuwen Tong.

Ling Zhang was surprised. “Already?”

Yuwen Tong nodded. “The emperor won’t be present, and neither will those courtiers, so there will only be students. The General Zhongwu (AKA. the General of Loyalty and Valor) seems to have no interest in the event as well, which makes it quite convenient for me to make arrangements.”

Ling Zhang inclined his head. “News of it must have spread through the whole city during the past two days. Were there any unusual occurrences in the courier hostel and other places?”

Yuwen Tong said, “Counting today, we still have two days. There’s no hurry. I’m sure they won’t let such a good opportunity slip away.”

As long as those people really wanted to kill Ling Zhang.

Naturally, Yuwen Tong was in a foul mood as he thought of this. He gave Ling Zhang a general idea of the arrangements.

Ling Zhang, who was unable to find any flaws in Yuwen Tong’s watertight arrangements, eagerly anticipated the day when the horse race would be held.


In the afternoon, Yuwen Feng paid the Ling Mansion a visit, saying that he came to see Ling Zhang who had been injured.

Ling Zhang, who happened to be having a walk around the drill ground, went to meet him. Yuwen Feng, like the last time they’d met, didn’t mention anything about his family members, which was quite sensible of him. He gave Ling Zhang some high-quality medicinal herbs and then took his leave.

And then Tao Yi showed up, who said on entry, “I heard that you killed a horse with a single palm strike, which was so badass. Was it true?”

Ling Zhang, “...”

He specially raised his right arm to remind Tao Yi that he shouldn’t stray from the matter of importance, that he should have asked about his injury first and shown some concern for him.

However, Tao Yi just stared at Ling Zhang’s right arm, gave a tap on it and, after “confirming” that it was nothing serious, continued, “How did you do that? Killing a horse with a single palm strike – that’s something even many famous generals might not necessarily be able to do. Your kung fu is so good, and you’ve been keeping it secret all this time.”

Ling Zhang felt that he might have to put an end to his friendship with Tao Yi, for this guy was so insensible and had no concern for him whatsoever.

But he believed that maybe he was not incurable, so he raised his arm again signaling Tao Yi to put his attention on the important point.

Tao Yi, probably having sensed Ling Zhang’s displeasure, finally manifested some concern for his injured arm. “How’s your arm? This doesn’t even seem to be as serious as the fracture I once had when I was young. I think it’s nothing, isn’t it?”

Ling Zhang finally huffed, “You may leave now.”

Tao Yi stared at him for a brief moment and then burst into laugh. He fished out a casket from behind, handed it to Ling Zhang and said, “This medicinal herb helps heal bone injuries. I got it from my teacher after begging him for quite a while. Take it.”

Ling Zhang gave a snort, took the casket and motioned a servant on the side to open it. He flicked a glance at the herb inside and then hurriedly had the casket closed. It was good stuff.

It was after seeing the gift that a smile appeared on his face. “You’re not incurably heartless. I’ll give you that.”

Tao Yi grinned, “I wouldn’t have come here to see you if I was, so stop making little digs at me. Seriously though, how exactly did you manage to kill a horse with a single palm strike?” Tao Yi persisted with his questioning.

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