A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Chapter 1359

Jiang Yu was very worried. “Yingluo, how’s your body? If you can’t hold it in, just find a stuntman. There’s no need to ruin yourself for a show.” In the industry, using a stuntman wasn’t uncommon. Nude substitutions and even text substitutions had emerged endlessly.

Xia Yingluo wanted to insist on filming the show, but also knew that her situation was really bad, and it was easy for something to go wrong if she kept going.

After much thought, she adopted Jiang Yu’s suggestion and handed over a few scenes that didn’t require too much acting skills but consumed a lot of physical energy to a stuntman. Despite this, she didn’t give up the control of quality and insisted on being present on every scene to point out the mistakes of the stuntman. The stuntman had little experience and was far less skilled than Xia Yingluo on the battlefield. Xia Yingluo carefully instructed her and finally tuned her decently. The female actor called Yu Minglan said, “Thank you, Ms. Xia. I have benefited a lot from your advice. Even in the future, it’ll be a very practical skill.”

Xia Yingluo smiled and praised her for working hard.

She was a famous and popular star but was still so humble. Thus, she earned unanimous favor from the crew.

“Star Wars Era” was an all-kill once released.

Xia Yingluo consumed a lot of energy. Her body wasn’t as good as before, and she needed to replenish it.

Li Lei was anxious. He replaced the rehearsal of his own company’s movie and arranged Xia Yingluo’s movie to the front, and hurried the premiere. At the premiere, Xia Yingluo wore a light pink tulle princess skirt. She had on rosy makeup, adding a touch of color to her thin and pale cheeks. She stood on the stage with a pair of beautiful touching eyes, and countless flashes of the cameras aimed at her. Even one smile and one glance were beautiful. Jiang Yu stood beside her, his tall and handsome figure even more slender and beautiful. The golden boy and girl made many people scream. Jiang Yu looked at her affectionately, and even a blind man could see that he had a deep affection for her.

“Jiang Yu! Jiang Yu!”

“Xia Yingluo! Xia Yingluo!”

Fans who managed to get tickets through various channels were very excited and shouted their names. “Together! Together! God Jiang Yu and Goddess Yingluo must be happy!” Even though the media revealed Xia Yingluo and Wei Lingnan’s intimate photos a few days ago, but under Skyart’s public relations, most fans were still firmly on the side of Jiang Yu and Xia Yingluo.

Jiang Yu was personable and smiled to pay tribute to the fans.

Xia Yingluo quietly held his hand.

In the entertainment industry, it was nothing new for male stars and female stars to have dating scandals. Even if there was nothing between the two, to promote hype, the teams on both sides often signaled them to appear in pairs. Although Xia Yingluo understood that Jiang Yu was really interested in her, she also knew that people like Jiang Yu who had been in the entertainment industry for many years definitely understood what it was to put on a show because work needed it. He would definitely take out his professional spirit and wouldn’t take it too seriously.

The two stood side by side, and a lot of photos were taken by the media and fans.

The lighting at the scene was dazzling.

She felt a little uncomfortable with the fantastic grand party.

Jiang Yu noticed that she was looking down and asked her, “What’s wrong? Do you want to rest?”

“No,” she said softly, giving him a reassuring smile. She involuntarily looked in one direction. It was strange that she always felt like someone was staring at her in the dark. However, no suspicious person could be found in that direction.

The premiere was a success.

Everyone who had watched the film—whether it was a colleague, a professional film critic, or an ordinary audience—all gave the film a very high rating. <A New Era in the History of Science Fiction Movies>, <Green is born out of blue, but beats blue — The Excellent Acting of the Phoenix Daughter>, <Epistic Masterpiece>, <The Birth of the Next Star in the Film Industry...> Various article titles and hot posts discussed the film and Xia Yingluo. Her relationship with Jiang Yu was also a topic that everyone talked about.

Her popularity improved a lot, and the energy it brought alleviated Xia Yingluo’s symptoms.

She was no longer as weak as before but still needed recuperation.

Xia Ling came to see her to ask how she was doing.

She said to her mother, “Mom, you don’t have to worry too much. Although the World Tree hasn’t grown much, the weakening momentum has stopped. When the film is released on a large scale next week, it’ll definitely collect more energy.”

Xia Ling nodded. “Let Skyart arrange more activities for you and hit the iron while it’s hot.”

“Mom, I know,” Xia Yingluo said.

Xia Ling gently held her hand. Her little baby daughter made her very distressed by encountering so many difficult situations. She said, “Jiang Yu is good to you. You should go out with him more often. Gossip is a quick way to increase popularity, at least to maintain the current popularity of the scandal.”

She was slightly surprised.

In recent days, she had always cooperated with Jiang Yu’s hype. In all fairness, he was a good partner. He knew his limits and also took very good care of her. It would be a huge blessing if she really became his girlfriend.

However, the seemingly comfortable date wasn’t as good as it looked.

Somehow, she still felt that someone was staring at her, and that feeling was especially evident when she was dating Jiang Yu.

She didn’t know who that person was, but after guessing and speculating, the only person able to follow her for so long without being discovered by her bodyguards...

There was only Wei Lingnan.

Wei Lingnan.

The thought of this name made her heart ache.

Since the last time she said goodbye in the bathroom and bit him fiercely, he had never appeared again. She wondered if he was angry?

Obviously, she didn’t want to be harassed by him. But when he really didn’t come, she felt lost.

Xia Ling called her. “Yingluo, Yingluo?”

She regained her senses. “I know, Mom. I’m going out for afternoon tea with Jiang Yu tomorrow. We’ve arranged a photographer to follow us, so you can rest assured.” She set aside the thought of Wei Lingnan. No matter what, improving her popularity as much as possible was the priority.

The next day, she wore a soft light-colored dress and softened her makeup, which covered up her somewhat weak complexion.

Jiang Yu took her to a high-end business district in the city to drink tea. The two sat in an outdoor cafe, wearing ordinary clothes and sunglasses. A thin silk scarf was tied around her fair neck, slightly covering her chin.

After drinking tea halfway, she said she wanted to go see the cherry blossoms not far away.

Jiang Yu said, “I’ll go with you.”

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