Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 387 New Evolution, Class, And Status

The fact that the description was almost the same thing as the previous one just showed how lazy the system was. But it\'s not like it took away from the appeal of its words which definitely swayed my opinion. This class was looking much more appealing than the strategist now since immediately cutting my progress with combat wasn\'t the best idea when I had just made the entirety of Olympus my enemy. 

Leading was something I definitely needed in the future, and just from the look of it, this class was perfect for me. Yet, at the same time, I would definitely need a strategy to survive, and if I can\'t outsmart some of the smartest gods which I doubt Athena was, then I will definitely fall to them. 

It was a tough pick, but in the end, I selected the obvious option. 

[You have selected the class: Commander of The Sangria-Eyed King] 

[Class up will begin]

[Infinite mana has altered your Ichor Power]

[Evolution will begin] 

When I awoke, I found myself in the same bed as before. A few of the blankets stacked on top of me had been removed, and the note I had left on the bedside table was gone. In its place was another note saying, 

"Thanks for everything. I\'ll return soon," I read the note out loud, slowly sitting up with clammy hands and feet. Clearly, I had sweat quite a lot since not only did I absolutely reek, but the blankets and sheets were completely yellow. "Or I just pissed myself…" 

Slowly, I edged my way out of bed, feeling a strange amount of weight hanging from my back. When I took a look at the mirror parallel to the side of my bed, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor with shock. Two massive leathery black wings were pulling me ever so slightly back, straightening my posture even though I doubted it meant to do that. They were so big that they had to be at least as wide as the doorframe without them even being stretched out. 

It was weird when I tried to control them. It was like a third arm or extra finger. Controlling it felt innate to this new body of mine which now towered at an impressive height of about six feet and ten inches. I was so close to the seven-foot mark, yet for some reason, my muscles hadn\'t stretched out into oblivion. I still looked cut and lean with trained muscles, and it even felt like I could control them better than before. 

First, I flexed the muscles in my feet. The very center of my feet makes me cringe from its weird feeling. But then I went to the opposite side of my body and flexed my temples. They compressed and then alleviated at my command. I tried this with many other parts of my body, and this new level of control felt insane to just pull off. 

"Okay… and there are these horns… geez… That\'s just neck pain in a nutshell…." I groaned, rubbing the large black pieces of keratin stretching out from the top of my head. They were as long as my already lanky legs and were as thick as my decently sized calves. 

"You\'ll get used to them," A voice suddenly echoed from the doorway. I snapped my head towards it, seeing a woman with regenerating horns and robes so long that they pooled at her feet on the freshly cleaned marble floor. 

My mind flashed back to the information that came with my new evolution. I was not only the enemy of the gods but also the demon gods. And one of these extremely powerful demon gods was standing right in front of me, their eyes glowing a deep red. 

"Your eyes are still heterochromatic… is it because of your lineage?" She asked, but I didn\'t even think to answer it as I responded with my own question. 

"You aren\'t going to kill me?" 

"I wouldn\'t be an empress if I reacted to my own emotions so easily. If I was swayed by petty things like that, then I wouldn\'t have been crowned an empress… although you\'re lucky I\'m the first demon god you met. If it was anybody else, they might have eradicated you on the spot. Your existence is dangerous, I\'m sure you know that." 

My pale white skin glistened in the mirror, revealing my toned abs and slender fingers, my nails shimmering with the long purple hair that drooped to my waist. It was slightly wavy, giving it some volume for my purple left eye and red right eye to trace down to its very tips. 

In my red eye of mine, two black lines served as my pupil, which stretched down into the sclera and then tattooed themselves onto my cheek. They ran down and down and down until they hit my collarbone, clipping my neck and chin on their way. 

"Those two god marks of yours… you\'re a descendant of an honored one? Demi-gods normally don\'t get a second line until their very rare apotheosis." 

I ignored the woman as now I had the most exciting part of all of this. My new status. 


[Name: Orion Vazgath]

[Race: Chaos Incarnate] 

[Class: Commander of The Sangria-Eyed King]

[Sub-Class: Prince of Manipulation]

[Level: 0/100] (0/250) XP Needed

[HP: 500/500 | IP: 5000] - Non Human 

[Strength: 365] - Non Human 

[Defense: 135] - Non Human 

[Magic: 165] - Non Human 

[Speed: 135] - Non Human 

[Skills: [Ancient Torterras Tongue] [Assimilation] [Grand Miasma and Mana Manipulation] 

[Five Layered Divine Enhancements] 

[Tarot Power: [Will of The Fallen] [Masterful Persuasion] [General War Sight] 

[Chariot of The Grand General] 

[Life Manipulation: [Life Donation] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked] 

[Five Destroying Martial Skills of The Blood Prince: [Demon Splitter] [Innate Calm] 

[Angel Destroyer] [Heaven Splitter] [Breath of the Snowy Underworld] 

[Commander of The Sangria-Eyed King\'s Armory: [Royal Flesh Manipulation] 

[Monstrous Demonic Vampiric Eggs] [Shroud of Essence Draining Mist] 

[Summon: Undead Soldier] [Blood Being Control]

[Prince of Manipulation: [Thought Manipulator] [Soothing Words] [Sleep Inducer]

[Passive Skills: [Toxic Immunity] [Toxic Body] [Night Vision] [Blood of the Underworld] [Blood Tainted Aura] [Blood Tainted Presence] [Speech of a King] [Constitution of a Tarturling] 

[Prisoner of Tartarus] [Iron Speech] [Demon\'s Gluttonous Stomach] [Potion Organs] 

[Enemy of Demon Gods] [Enemy of Gods] [Destroyed Destiny] 

[Rune Path: [Grand War Presence] [Throne World: Chaos Hole] [Declaration of War] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked] 

[Equipment: [Magic Ring] [Storage Ring] [Sangria King\'s Spear] [The Unholy Lance: Longinus] 


"Fuck yeah…" I smiled uncontrollably, causing the woman standing in the doorway to also smile. It almost looked like she could see my own status from where she stood, satisfied with what I received. 

"My little blood sucker is fearful of you now. Overnight you became one of the most powerful beings in this city, surpassing even my current form. And what\'s really special…." The woman continued to smile while slowly approaching me. "... Is that you have ivory power. A stat reserved only for the highest of beings." 

"Isn\'t Ichor what the gods bleed? Isn\'t that what makes them so powerful?" 

"Indeed… and now you have that same power flowing through your veins. But, unfortunately, you won\'t be able to access the same power of the gods… especially the demon gods. You won\'t be able to wield aether or miasma ever again, so I hope you like your skills now." 

"Then what will I wield?" 

"I dunno," The empress rolled her eyes before attempting to sit down on the edge of the bed. But, as soon as her robes and hands pressed against the wet mattress and the stench of whatever the hell came off or out of me entered her nose, she immediately got up. "Damn, you should take a shower… we have much to discuss, especially about your friend." 

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked the demon god as she took a sip of her tea. We were currently having a nice breakfast on our current estate\'s balcony. It was an absolutely stunning view with an even more incredible dining experience. 

From the appetizers to the main course to the drinks and to the dessert… everything was perfect, down to the last-minute detail. The flavors mingled and meshed together so well, and especially since I was so hungry, the seven-course meal that I consumed went down like a hot knife through butter. 

"Your friend, Aisa… I want to make her my disciple," The woman said as if proposing something. It was almost like she was asking for my permission to take her as a student when all I knew was that this was a good thing. There was nothing inherently bad about this on the surface, but judging from how she talked, I could tell there was something else I needed to know about. 

"Okay… and? Proceed… you sound like you have more to say." 

"She will go through absolute hell. I\'ve already branded her with my blessing, but I needed your permission to proceed with making her my disciple. The amount of pain and torture she will go through could possibly break her mind, but that\'s exactly why I chose somebody like her. She\'s strong." 

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