Monster Factory

Chapter 673: Loans and minerals.

Chapter 673: Loans and minerals.

We do not know if this part of Africa was forgotten by God, or if the local population simply could not cross the wall. Obviously sitting on rich resources, but poor and become a ghost.

During his trip to Africa last year, Ye Qing was deeply impressed by the poverty there. But again, backward and impoverished Africa could not sell the various metals buried in its lands and of high quality as manufactured goods. Much like China, it is clearly sitting on the same expensive minerals but has become the largest mineral importing country in the world because the ores stored in the country were not enough to fuel their own industries...

When Ye Qing heard that Buzz had brought minerals here for identification, he was more interested in these minerals than gifts. At present, most of Huge Industrial Monster\'s copper and aluminum mines are imported from Nigeria. The rest of the commonly used metals are purchased domestically and imported from Australia. As for the most wide consumed steel, limonite is found in Longxitan and is extracted by mining.

With the development of the Huge Industrial Monster, the demand for metallic minerals has become more and more diversified. In the past, copper, iron, and aluminum could dominate its demands in the world market. Today, there are so many metallic minerals, non-metallic minerals, and compounds that mineral resource experts have a headache trying to find them.

During the conversation with Buzz, Shi Lei quickly arrived at the Huge Industrial Monster\'s building.

Now Ye Qing finally doesn\'t have to worry, if he parks his car inside the building, he won\'t be surrounded by many local tyrant bosses. Since the completion of the Shi Lei car production base until now, the Huge Industrial Monster has urgently distributed 20,000 Shi Lei vehicles to all provinces nationwide. Even if consumers still cannot receive the car at present, as long as they pay some amount as a deposit, they still have to queue for the car, and usually, within half a month they will receive it.

Unlike the previously imposed full payment which no shopkeeper dared to accept because even they didn\'t know whether to wait three or six months before receiving a Shi Lei car, now that they had to wait, and the time wait is bearable, no one will naturally come to the Huge Industrial Monster Building to buy a car on the spot at a high price.

Along the way, Buzz and the young man, he brought looked at the Shi Lei car more than looking at Ye Qing. The interior of the Shi Lei car has already amazed them too much. Buzz has been overseas all year and he already considered himself a civilized person with a vision. But sitting in that car he felt filled with an indescribable shock, just like the native who ate ice cream for the first time or touched a smartphone for the first time or sat in a Rolls-Royce for the first time.

Upon entering the Huge Industrial Monster Building, the shock was even stronger. As for the young man he brought, he was so nervous he dared not say a single word. Upon entering the office, Buzz regained a bit of familiarity. Ye Qing\'s new office, decoration, and furnishings are not too different from that of the Blue Sky Building. Some precious ornaments he gave to Ye Qing last year are still on display here, so the office is filled with fragrance.

Smelling the familiar light scent and feeling relaxed, Buzz also recalled the main purpose of this visit.

"Mr. Ye, actually, I\'m here this time to raise General Mopu\'s money," Buzz patted the large canvas bag beside him, "Mr. Ye, you know, we in Anute, we have several million people in poverty, and the main source of income can only be based on mineral exports. General Mopu, the master of the Anute region, could still rely on mineral exports to be self-sufficient, but now we have annexed all the territory of our old enemy, General Babulu, in the Nsukka region which was under his control to our territory, and we are still poor, not only do we have diamond mines, but we even have a lot of mines of expensive metals.~"

"~ We have recruited more troops from the original 5,000 soldiers and police to 10,000 now, targeting the entire southern region, but the huge gap between rich and poor in various regions forces us to spend a lot of money to help those poor people who can\'t even wear shoes, first build confidence to survive, otherwise what\'s the point of laying down in the whole southern region a woolen sheet? ~"

"~ So... Therefore, we want to find Chairman Ye. In addition to expanding the scale of the mineral and diamond trading, we also want... also want to... lend us some money,"

Speaking of which, Buzz couldn\'t help but blush.

"To lend?"

Ye Qing\'s tone was a little surprised, it was the first time someone had come to ask her to borrow money.

"Mr. Ye, we...we have a mortgage." Buzz quickly explained, "We are using Anute, the diamond mine at the junction with Nsukka as a mortgage. Mr. Ye, you know the quality of this diamond mine, it\'s just that the diamond trade has always been dominated by Damn Europeans; we have no choice but to borrow money from you.


Ye Qing snorted. Diamond mines in Africa are almost the private plots of jewelry companies in Europe. General Mopu in search of European loans is like putting sheep in the tiger\'s mouth.


You see, diamond mines produce diamonds, and they will all be developed by the Huge Industrial Monster. Making a loan is actually equivalent to paying the mine in advance, and this can increase the interest brought by the loan. Although no one has borrowed money from Huge Industrial Monster in the past, money can still be borrowed.

The last time the monsters drove armored vehicles straight to Port Harcourt to get that rare giant diamond, they showed their might. Ye Qing believed in General Mopu and dared not play anything in this regard. So Ye Qing asked Buzz: "How much loan do you plan to take out and how long will it take to pay it off?"

"200 million US dollars, we plan to pay it back in two years, and the interest will be paid according to the interest of the loan from the Bank of China, Mr. Ye... Can you think about it?"

200 million US dollars, almost a year\'s share of the diamond trade, now that the partner has spoken, Ye Qing does not care about earning interest charges.

With Ye Qing\'s approval, Buzz was overjoyed and opened the canvas bag.

"In addition, I would like disturbing Chairman Ye to help us detect the ore we brought this time. This is what we found at the new site. If there is any mining value, we will immediately organize people to exploit these mines on a large scale."

Buzz pulled out of the bag a rectangular wooden box, divided into four compartments, each containing several pieces of gravel the size of a baby\'s fist. This rubble varies in color and appearance. The first grid is a reddish-brown stone that looks like a crystal. The second type is black. Ye Qing weighed it with his hands and found the stone was very dense. The third, the fourth, Ye Qing was sure that they do not belong to metallic minerals.

The second type of ore caught Ye Qing\'s attention because it was denser than the other types, which often meant it was rich in rare metals. However, Ye Qing couldn\'t be sure until the test results came out. He only knew more than ten types of ferrous metal minerals. So, he called a Master Metal Expert from the secret lab and asked him to bring these stones to the lab for testing.


The Master Metal Expert is skilled in the processing and production of non-metallic materials. As soon as he got the minerals in the wooden box, he immediately identified the two types of non-metallic minerals inside.

By the time he received the wooden box, the metal expert had also identified the other two metallic minerals. Of course, the content and composition of these minerals still need to be tested.

Half an hour later, the test report came out, and the moment Ye Qing received the report, Buzz and the men around him couldn\'t help but straighten their bodies and became very nervous. This kind of feeling is really like one who bought a lottery ticket and was waiting for the outcome of the game.

What if one of those minerals they don\'t know is worth more than gold, and then they\'ll have one more golden hen from now on?

These different types of minerals were mined from the southwestern part of the Nsukka region, located on the edge of the Sotu rainforest. As long as you dig a few buckets or look under the mountains, you can find a lot of similar stones, and it seems that the reserves are very objective.

The report was delivered to Ye Qing, but Ye Qing frowned and remained silent for a long time.

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