The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 194 - WULF'S INTEREST

WULFRIC put a priority alert on his [Cyberspace] on any topic that mentioned \'Astrid Townsend\'.  He wasn\'t familiar with how ordinary people \'chase stars\' – as Hildred put it.  Heck, he wasn\'t even that familiar with [Cyberspace] or any other social media sites for that matter.  Where would he even have the time to get familiar with those things?

Besides, he had never been interested with things like actors, actresses, or singers and the likes.  He honestly couldn\'t understand the people\'s fascination towards them.  They were all humans with the same set of eyes, nose, and lips.  What\'s so fun in going gaga over them?

But then again, he could say the same to him.  After all, when he found something interesting, he also gave them more attention than required.  The only difference would probably be his interest never lasted for more than a month.  And the fact that his interest had never really been directed to any humans. 

If someone even remotely stimulated his interest, it didn\'t go as far as him wanting to get to know that person or even interact with them.  He would just think, \'ah, how interesting\', then moved on.  That was how it had always been. 

Until he met Aster.

He was the first human that Wulfric ever wanted to get closed to.  And even when more than a month had passed since he met the other, his interest in him never wavered.  To the point that he didn\'t even care that Aster technically \'played\' him using his acting skills to make him disinterested.

It didn\'t anger him as it normally should.  He even thought that it was his fault in the first place.  Which was just not like him at all.  And yet, he didn\'t find anything wrong about that.  He only thought that it was natural for him to apologize.  He even promised himself to not make the other angry.  Because his instinct was telling him that if he did, then, he would be the only one suffering in the future. 

Of course, Wulfric had wondered why he was doing all that.  Was it because Aster was too special?  Or was it because his interest was just that intense?  He still didn\'t know the answer to any of those.  And if he was being honest, he didn\'t really care what the answer would be.

At least, for now, what\'s more important to him was letting Aster have a good impression of him.  And, of course, he shouldn\'t forget to support him as his number one fan.

Then, as if on cue, he saw a notification on his [Cyberspace].  Meaning there\'s a topic about Aster.  He quickly clicked that and saw some stolen shots of Aster walking with a tall woman.  The two of them seemed to be in a space port.

An almost imperceptible frown appeared on his face.  His only thought was; \'who the heck is this woman?\'. 

He quickly read the caption just so he could know the answer to that. 

[Shocking News!  Ellis Payne – the once hailed as a genius agent – has now come back after five years of hiatus.  Is she going to make a new miracle with the Polaris\' new artist, Astrid Townsend?]

Ellis Payne?  Based on the caption alone, this woman was obviously an agent.  And not just an agent but Aster\'s agent.  And since the caption was all about her, it meant that her name had more pull compared to Aster.

He narrowed his eyes at the tall woman.  She had pretty decent features.  And based on her and Aster\'s body language, the two seemed to be very comfortable with each other.  But that\'s not the important thing here.  It\'s much more important to know if she was capable enough to be Aster\'s agent.

Wulfric had done some research in the Empire\'s entertainment industry these past two days.  Especially about Polaris.  He wanted to know if the entertainment company that Aster signed with was clean enough. 

That industry might seem to be full of glitz and glamour on the surface, but beneath it all, there\'s a stinking ditch.  It\'s the same with any other industries or organization.  There\'s always going to be a rotten egg mixed within.  He didn\'t want Aster to be stained by this.

That\'s why when he found out that the president of Polaris was Grant Fleming, most of his worries had been put down.  The guy was the eldest son of the Fleming family – a pretty decent family amongst the Empire\'s nobility. 

They went to the same primary school, so, he had some impression of the guy.  They also met at one of the parties his brother pulled him to a few years back.  And the impression the other left to him was still the same – upright and straitlaced.  Not the hypocritical kind but the real one.

But just to be sure, he still did some checking.  And it was nice to discover that there was barely any \'corruption\' in the company.  Aster probably knew about that beforehand that\'s why he had chosen to sign with Polaris.  Aster was so smart.  There\'s no way he wouldn\'t have checked before signing with anything.

It\'s probably the same when it came to this Ellis Payne.  Aster found her good enough to be his agent, so, she now was.  There\'s probably no need to do any checking.  And even if he probably didn\'t, he could still find a lot from the comments section of this article.

Before Wulfric could read the full article and the comments as well, he heard some kind of commotion.  He was currently at the observation deck where he could see the training of the students below.  These kids were currently doing some 1v1 virtual Mecha fights. 

Hildred was down there to supervise them.  So, what\'s with this commotion he was hearing?  Surely Hildred didn\'t instigated a fight with these students.  Well, knowing that guy, that\'s certainly something he would do.

He shook his head and just jumped down directly.     

He saw that the students were crowding in a circle and shouting as if cheering on a fight.  He pulled those students out of his way to see exactly what was happening.  And there, at the center, two students were having a brawl. 

One was the Lancaster brat and the other was Reas.

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