Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 268 Distere Was Going To Be Executed?

Of course, Allen anticipated that there would be troubles that came along with his Supreme Mage title and not to mention being Alisceon’s magic teacher. It was without a doubt cause him troubles such as being involved in royal politics. But since he had already accepted Alisceon as his little sister, he would help her and support her in her every action.

That was what he would do as the Supreme Brother. He would support her little sister even if she decided to destroy the world. Unlike a certain mathematician chat group member of his that did otherwise.

While Allen was overseeing Alisceon’s magic practice, he was startled when he received a message from his chat group members.

[Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse: @Supreme Order (Admin), bad news! Deus and I found out about Distere’s whereabouts, but he is currently being tied to a stake to be executed due to spreading heresy.]

When Allen read John’s message that was filled with urgency, he couldn’t help but adorn a serious expression on his face. He was well aware that Distere’s death would mean that their Main Task would be deemed a failure.

Because of that, they couldn’t let Distere die lest they failed the Main Task even if they were going up against the entire world.

And when Allen read that Distere was labeled as a heretic by those cultists, he couldn’t help but feel that Distere’s predicament was ironic.

A follower of a true god was ridiculed as a heretic by cultists who worshiped false gods. Thinking about that, Allen felt that this world’s inhabitants needed to be whacked in the head for their stupidity and ignorance.

As for those heretic gods, he had already planned to kill as many of them as he could since those heretic gods would without doubt hinder him in completing the Main Task. And Allen hated the thought of those false gods claiming themselves as true gods.

Only Lord Zenchi who created the Katake Multiverse that those false gods were living on could be considered the True God!

Not to mention, Lord Zenchi even created the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System which was a multiversal system. That only meant that Lord Zenchi was a Supreme Being who has access to the entire multiverse, which further solidified his identity as the True God of the Katake Multiverse.

With that in mind, Allen planned on letting the ignorant inhabitants of this world know of the existence of the True God! And one of the sub-task of his Main Task motivated him to do that!

With those thoughts entering Allen’s mind that only took a second for him to process, Allen’s attention shifted back to the chat group as he started typing a reply to John’s message.

[Supreme Order (Admin): Send me the coordinates of your current location so I can teleport there using my teleportation magic.]

[Supreme Order (Admin): Don’t free Distere without my presence there yet. But if his execution started before I arrive there, don’t hesitate to free him and eliminate those who prevented you from doing so.]

After sending those replies to John, John immediately replied with their location’s coordinates along with agreeing with Allen’s message.

Deus and John already agreed in their minds that Allen was the leader of their group in the Second Main Task so whatever commands that Allen gave them, they would do it as long as it wasn’t too absurd.

After Allen received John’s reply that contained their location’s coordinates, Allen closed the system screens as his attention shifted towards his little sister, Alisceon.

Seeing that her teacher/brother looked at her, she halted her magic training as she inquired about what her brother wanted to ask her.

“Brother, do you have any questions?”

Hearing Alisceon’s inquiry, Allen nodded.

“Do you know anyone that goes by the name of Distere Faith?”

When Alisceon heard of Allen’s question, her face immediately came to an expression of realization as he knew the answer to Allen’s question. Without letting her brother wait any further, Alisceon immediately answered her brother’s question.

“Yes, brother.”

“Distere Faith is the duke’s first son. He came from the Faith Family, a lineage that worshiped Earth Goddess Gaia fervently. Because of their high attainments in magic and their faith being recognized by Gaia herself, the royal family granted the family patriarch the duke title. So the duke title of the Faith Family can only be inherited by the family patriarch.”

Alisceon explained briefly the information she knew about Distere’s identity and his family’s origin.

‘It was no wonder that Distere was immediately ordered to be executed. Imagine being the heir of a religious family and then worshiping an entirely different religion.’

‘If Distere only worshiped the other religion such as worshiping Zeus, he might only be expelled from the family at most. But since Distere worshiped an unknown religion whose God wasn’t in this world’s history, he was labeled as a heretic and was later scheduled to be executed.’

Thinking about Distere spreading the teachings of Lord Zenchi while being the heir of a family that worshiped Gaia, Allen could only shake his head at Distere’s troublesome background.

Distere’s father must have thought of Distere as a stain on their family’s reputation due to being a heretic and that was why he dared to order Distere to be executed in public to cleanse their family’s reputation.

As Allen had expected, the medieval era was very barbaric when it came to its methods. But it was not like he wanted to start the modern era in this world since that wasn’t his Main Task.

Of course, he was well aware that the possibility of starting the modern era in a medieval-era world being a Hidden Task was high, but he was lazy to complete such a hidden task.

“Thanks for answering my questions, Alisceon.”

Allen thanked Alisceon as he patted her head.

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