Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Chapter 227 Special Case

\'What to do? What to do?\'

After two minutes of thinking, Ezra speaks.

"With what I\'ve heard. I do not feel like joining anymore"

The woman simply smiled as if expecting it.

"But…it would be a lie to say that I do not wish to gain from what you have to offer"

She left her tea cup afloat. "So, you expect to get student privileges without being a student?"

"Hmm, when you put it like that…no, not really"

She raised a brow. "Then what do you want?"

"I want the privileges of a visiting scholar"

She blinked. "Where did you learn of that?"

"From a place I\'d rather not say" he replied. Inwardly, \'I should have Fredrick thank Sebastian later\'

The information agency was already showing its worth.

"Hmm…" The woman tapped her cheek in contemplation.

"What\'s a scholar? And why is it different from a student?"

Rather Ezra, it was Ashton.

She paid his interruption no mind-as she wasn\'t talking when he spoke-and answered with a smile.

"Like the name says. They are knowledge people, those high up in their fields of study that the academy permits to study its archives. And at the end, the scholar leaves behind insights of his as well. A simple exchange" she continues. "For them, we grant, you could say partial student privileges. All they are permitted is knowledge. No crest, neither any of the benefits that come with it…though at that stage, you won\'t be needing it"

Ashton nods as the woman looks at Ezra, "Hmm, troublesome…this has never been done before"

"That doesn\'t stop anyone from doing anything. At least the academy didn\'t exist at a time"

"Point taken" she nods. "But what knowledge could you possibly give us?"

"None," he says. "But if I\'m given the permit of a scholar. I\'ll be able to study here without becoming a student. Without a crest the students can\'t challenge me and as for housing and my food? The academy can give it elsewhere. I\'ll take care of myself"

"You\'re…really strange"

"Thank you"

"I never said I\'d allow it"

"I don\'t see you as someone petty, are you?"

"You do realize that while the academy can protect the students. It won\'t protect you from the outside world, yes?"

Ezra nodded, snickering inwardly. \'Might as well be protecting the students from me\'

"Fine, I allow it" she points behind him. "What about the others?"

"Admit them. They\'ll do just fine"

"They meet the age requirements?"

"Check for yourself" he stands. "Since my work here is done, I have to get busy getting myself a new abode"

As he reached for the door, she spoke again. "One last thing, whether in the academy or not, I hope you know that your life is at risk?"

"If I didn\'t know that, I wouldn\'t have come here"

"You\'re rather brave for your age or is it foolhardiness that precedes you?"

Ezra shrugged.

She exhales. "The academy will provide you a residence, it does so for scholars. Whether it\'s to your liking is not is not of our concern, apart from that...well, you\'ll find out once you\'ve settled down"

Ezra nodded, "When will the residence be ready?"


"That quick?"

"Yes" she nods. "The new academic session begins tomorrow"

"Even better. Then, I\'ll just take a walk"

"Then" She stretched her tone. "While I approved the scholar privileges, certain things are restricted since you\'re not an actual scholar"

Ezra didn\'t reply.

"Your capacity to sift through archives is limited. As for how limited, you will be informed at a later time"

Ezra gave no response.

As he placed his hand of th e knob. He turned around. "Before I forget, you have yet to give a name?"

"Of course," she lightly clapped. "Elisa Kreel. Head of the Royal Academy"

"Kreel?" that caught his attention. "As in Avadin Kreel?"

"Oh? You even know my father. Wonderful"

Ezra was amazed. He hadn\'t known the man\'s family.

Also, if his daughter was this old, how old was he then?

"How is he?" Ezra implored.

Elisa\'s smile turned melancholic and her excited spirit seemed subdued. "He\'s…. resting"

"Oh. Okay" Ezra wondered, \'Did something happen?\'

But chose not to say anything.

He looks to the siblings, "You must rank in the top hundred"

They nod. Recalling his words from before.

\'Remember, we keep low. Except from me, everyone else should think you\'re at intermediate rank\'

So, they constrained themselves.

Of course, Elisa was still able to figure that they\'d reached advanced rank.

It\'s also for this reason that Ezra said to rank in top hundred and not thirty.

With that, Ezra exists.

Well, he was about to, when he suddenly turned around.

"What else is it?"

"I need to talk to the Emperor. I know must have some form of communication"

"Is it urgent? My artifact\'s not something to be used lightly"

Ezra rolled his eyes. "With such glamour, one would think it\'s an Epic artifact…is it?"

"Surely you jest, I have no such thing"

"Where is it then?"

Shaking her head, she pulls a floating object towards him. "Here"

Reaching him, Ezra sucked it into his space ring. "Thank you"

Then he exits.


Outside the academy minutes later, Ezra went to his lodgings and sat in contemplation.

\'Is this the right move?\' he thought. \'Am I doing it right?\'

\'They\'re in the academy and I\'m not. I won\'t be able to keep close watch on what they say-what if they reveal details if the incident?\'

Fear crept into his heart. \'Should I join the academy?!\'

He calmed, forcing down the emotion.

\'No, even as a student, I\'d can\'t watch over them all the time…Besides, I brought them here to expose them to the world…and I can\'t do that and keep watch over them at the same time…sigh…\'

\'Is this how mom felt when I said I\'d be leaving?\' he wondered, scratching his head.

\'Whatever, let\'s begin the academic session. I\'ll deal with things as they come\'

With so clear answer coming up any time soon, Ezra threw the matter at the back of his mind.

A silver circular object with runes carved in gold appeared in his hands.

The communication artifact Elisa gave him.

\'Now, was it like this?\'

He infuses mana into it. It brightens up and the cap pops.


At Kingsmere, the Emperor receives the signal, and heads into the secret quarter where the golden communication artifact lay.

Having identified the signal sender, the Emperor took it as nothing serious and ordered Bolton to keep at his work.

The contraption spun, lighting up the place to give a fantastic view.

\'What does she want to talk about?\'

It was impossible not to be curious, they weren\'t close, and they hadn\'t spoken in years.

The moment the contraption settled and a face was revealed…"Hmm?"

The Emperor was confused.


The artifact had lit up, but nothing happened. Making Ezra wonder if it wasn\'t working.

On point…"Hmm?

An exclamation was heard.

Ezra froze, wondering if he heard wrong.

"Ezra? Is that you?"

The voice came again, clearer. It was a voice unmistakable.

"Your Maje-I mean, Father. It is"

Silence reigned for a few seconds before the Emperor continued. "Why are you the one holding the artifact?

"I borrowed it from Mrs. Elisa. As I have urgent news to report"

The Emperor quietened, rubbing his beard. "Speak"

Before talking to the Emperor, Ezra had wondered what tone would be best to convey the news.

Maybe the tone of a frightened child. But considering the Emperor\'s personality-specifically his hate for the weak-it had the highest possiblity to backfire, therefore the worst plan.

Instead, he used a tone neither imposing nor soft.

Over the course of an hour, Ezra told of the failed assassination attempt, spinning his narrative into the story as he did.

Adding how they ran and dumped the bloodied carriage, narrowly escaping death each time.

"Hoo..." the Emperor was astonished. "You have done well informing me of this. Have you told this to anyone else?"

"No. Nobody"

The Emperor nodded-a gesture Ezra couldn\'t see.

\'An assassination…how audacious!\'

He was furious, his mind working like a clock.

The departure of any member of royalty was a close guarded secret, even from some of the guards.

They fact they could tried to assassinate him meant they knew his identity and destination.

Which would not be possible unless…\'The traitor is someone in this castle!\'

He clenched his fists, and then released them.

"I hope you\'ve learnt from this. While Expert rank is definitely remarkable for your age. It meant little on the face of a stronger opponent, you were almost killed"

"But I survived"

"Yes" says the Emperor. "Take pride. Not many live to tell of such encounters"

He continues. "Such is the world, son. Full of miscreants and mediocres.

The majority run from the truth of what they\'ve become. Do not become like them"

"Yes Father"

"As for this matter. I will personally see to the bottom of it"

"Yes Father"

"As you have been blessed with the abundance of royal status, so shall you be cursed with it. Your actions will be watched and then judged" he pauses. "But as you\'ve seen, a name is but a word, it could not protect you from the assassins-so do not place your faith on a word. Stay steadfast on your training and you will surely grow in strength"

"Remember who\'s child you are. Do not sully the royal name"

"Yes Father"

"Good. Take care"

The Emperor cuts the connection, ending the conversation.

He sits still for a minute, many thoughts moving about his head before walking out of the secret quarter.

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