Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 91 Dungeon Activities (2)

As students was making strategy for dungeon.

A man with red hair came with his group that he made to Ken. If Rain was here he would have said, Villain and his minions.

His name was Ben Tyson. 8th ranked individual among Freshmen.

Ben was a striking figure with his fiery red hair that seemed to match his angry expression. He had a handsome face that was set in a frown, giving the impression that he was not to be trifled with.

His sharp eyes were a bright blue color, and they held a hint of annoyance as he looked at Ken.

He had a tall and muscular build, with broad shoulders that seemed to fill the room. His skin was lightly tanned, as if he spent a lot of time outdoors.

He wore a black training outfit that showed off his toned muscles and his sword was strapped to his back.

Overall, he exuded an air of confidence and power, making it clear that he was not someone to be taken lightly.

"Hey, Ken. Why don\'t we make bet about who get high score in dungeon?"

Ben said that arrogantly. Even moron could see that he was just here for trouble.

"Okay." However unexpectedly Ken accepted it.

"So, You accepted it, huh. Good for you."

After saying that words Ben left.

He was so happy that he even forgot to talk about what was wager in the bet. When Ben reached near his group, he remembered that he didn\'t talk what was wager of the bet. 

As he felt embarrassed, he didn\'t go to Ken to set the wager.

Ben and Ken\'s conversation wasn\'t loud but as you can say this is fantasy world and everybody has superhuman body.

So everyone heard it.

A muscular guy turned his face towards Ken and started walking towards him.

As he approached Ken, his broad shoulders and imposing stature made him look like a street fighter ready to take on any challenger.

"Ken. Why did you accept it? You know he is just doing this for trouble." He said as he was concerned.

"It\'s okay. James. Even if I have refused it. He would just make bigger trouble." Ken said with smile like everything was under his control.

Yeah, As par the storyline of the game, Ken and James become friends here. Even if Ken is from common family and James is from B-class guild owner family, Andre Family. James is just muscle-head who only believes in power. 

The story of how Ken and James became friends is quite interesting.

It all began when James noticed that Ken had achieved the top rank among their peers.

However, James thought that Ken appeared to be weak since he himself was ranked seventh among the freshmen. James felt that he should challenge Ken to a duel to prove his own strength and power. He challenged Ken to a private spar.

Despite his initial confidence, James lost the fight against Ken. In many similar situations, the the person in James\' would become a villain like Ben or Rain. However, James took a different approach and chose to befriend Ken instead.

Their friendship may have started in an unusual way, but it quickly grew into a strong bond.

As the storyline of the game progressed, Ben began to feel envious of Ken\'s achievements.

As the son of an S-ranker, Ben had always been talented and looked down upon those from less privileged backgrounds.

He was frustrated to see someone from a common family like Ken rise to the top of the rankings, make friends with everyone, and receive attention from females.

These things irritated him greatly and he began to cause trouble for Ken.

The training ground transformed into a mosaic of evolving groups, with students coming together, forming bonds, and forging new alliances. Laughter, discussions, and the occasional cheer filled the air as the teams took shape, solidifying their unity and readiness for the challenges that awaited them.

Soon the dungeon activities finally began, and each group set out on their adventure.

As they entered the virtual world they felt so surreal. Although some of the students didn\'t look surprise as they had already practiced in virtual dungeon in past.

Most of the high class family prefer to train their children in virtual reality. Even though it\'s not as efficient as real combat it\'s still better than being hurt in the real life battle. 

Soon the dungeon activities ended. 

As cliche as, the protagonist group managed to come in first place, followed by Ben\'s group in second.

Emma\'s group and Kaya\'s group ranked third and fourth, respectively.

Unfortunately, Martha\'s group ended up in last place, with Arya\'s group coming in second to last.

Martha\'s group was not very successful, as she had weaker members in her team and did not put in much effort. As a result, they ranked tenth. Still from her face it didn\'t look like she cared for rank.


Interestingly, there were some differences between the game and reality.

In the game, it was Rain who made a bet with Ken and lost, while Ben was portrayed as a third-rate villain who received a beating from Ken for bullying students from common families.

Despite these differences, Ken\'s popularity began to grow as more and more students started to pay attention to him.

Even though Rain\'s streaming activities were still more popular at the moment, students began discussing Ken and his achievements.

It was clear that Ken\'s success had not gone unnoticed, and many were curious to learn more about him.

Professor Kevin arrived to give some feedback and pointers to the students. He also announced that the groups would remain the same for the next set of activities.

This news was met with mixed reactions, as some students were happy with their group members while others were hoping for a change.

Sir John also offered some advice and praised some of the students for their hard work and dedication. The students listened intently, taking notes and asking questions when necessary.

As the session came to an end, the students started to disperse. Some were chatting excitedly about their upcoming dungeon activities, while others were discussing their plans for the weekend.

A few students lingered behind, hoping to speak with the professors one-on-one about their progress and any areas where they needed improvement. Ken was one them. Looking at the Ken, James also stayed behind to give him company.

Overall, it was a productive day for the students, and they were eager to continue their adventures in the game.


On the other side Rain was making map of the island In his home. 

The island is roughly circular in shape, with a diameter of approximately 12 miles.

The central mountain, known as Mount Serenity, rises to a height of 2,500 feet and is visible from any point on the island.

The mountain is surrounded by a ring of smaller mountains, known as the Serenity Range, which encircle the central peak.

The river, named the Serenity River, flows down from Mount Serenity and meanders through the island before emptying into the ocean on the southern coast.

The river is approximately 10 miles long and is navigable by small boats for much of its length.

To the east of Mount Serenity lies the dense Serenity Forest, which covers much of the island\'s eastern half.

The forest is home to a variety of wildlife, including monkeys, parrots, and colorful butterflies.

However, it is also home to dangerous predators such as snakes and jaguars, so travelers should be cautious.

To the west of Mount Serenity lies a large swamp, known as the Murky Swamp. This area is home to alligators and other swamp creatures, making it a dangerous place to traverse.

To the south of the swamp lies a long, sandy beach, where sea turtles come to lay their eggs during the nesting season.

The northern half of the island is mostly covered in rocky outcrops and boulder fields, making it difficult to traverse.

However, there are a few small streams and ponds scattered throughout this area, which can provide a source of fresh water.

In the southwest corner of the island lies a large ant colony, where giant ants can be seen marching to and from their nests.

This area is best avoided, as the ants can be aggressive if disturbed.

To the southeast of Mount Serenity lies a plateau, where large herds of wild goats and sheep can be seen grazing.

This area is also home to numerous insect nests, so travelers should be wary of swarms of biting insects.

Finally, to the northeast of Mount Serenity lies a series of cliffs, which overlook the ocean.

From these cliffs, travelers can see distant islands on the horizon, and watch as dolphins and whales swim in the waters below.


- North: Rocky outcrops and boulder fields, with scattered streams and ponds.

- East: Serenity Forest, home to monkeys, parrots, and colorful butterflies.

- South: Murky Swamp, long sandy beach where sea turtles come to lay their eggs during nesting season.

- West: Serenity Range, Ant Colony, and various insect nests.

- Center: Mount Serenity, rising to a height of 2,500 feet.

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