Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter Dragon and Ogre, Sin and Blame (1/79) 78.1: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 5

Speaking of which, Zerry-san has terrible seasickness. But she still went to look for the sage.

She is a mess of a drunkard who is beyond saving, but she still acted for my sake.

(Should I reduce her debt a little when we return?)

By the way, Zerry-san still hasn’t paid off her debt in full yet.

『To all passengers. The archipelago has come into view. Ready for battle. We repeat, the archipelago has come into view–』

An onboard broadcast rang.

A slight silhouette of an archipelago could be seen on the horizon.

From here onwards, we will land at a location where even the knights of Saint Knight Kingdom do not possess information of. The tides were rough, and birds that attack humans could also be seen flying in the skies.


「——Are you sure you want to get off here?」

The captain asked me anxiously. I nodded in reply.

「Due to numerous reefs, it is difficult to proceed any closer unless you are a skilled sailor… Isn’t that right?」I asked.

「Yes. A few days ago, one of the best sailors in Zackerhafen captained the ship carrying Silver Balance. This ship is a warship, and due to its large frame we can’t get any closer…」

「No, thank you for bringing me this far. I apologize for the inconvenience, but please return here again in 5 days.」I said.

「Most certainly.」

Non, Asha and I switched to a small boat just enough for 3 people and luggage.

The distance from here to the nearest island was less than 5 kilometers. The silhouette of the island was clearly visible.

I looked up at the captain and waved goodbye. They sent us off with a salute.

「Non-san, Asha, please hold on firmly.」



「Let’s go–」

I took position behind the ship and held out both hands. When I unleashed【Wind Magic】,



The ship shot forward at a tremendous speed. Fireballs manifested around Asha due to the sudden movement, but those were quickly left behind in the blink of an eye.


「——I have never seen something like this…」

「——Even ships sail differently with Reiji-dono there.」

I heard such voices from the warship. Though I immediately was unable to hear anymore due to how fast we were traveling away from the warship.

As I looked down into the ocean while using magic, black reefs could be seen under the lush sea surface. Furthermore, the flow of the tide was quite strong. Sailing a small boat at normal speed through these waters would take hours to reach shore.

「A little more to the right, Reiji-kun!」


Of the【Wind Magic】that I activated with both hands, if I raise the mana output on my right hand, the bow turns to the right.

「We have reached the beach!」


I cut off the magic and turned around. We had already reached the bay of the island. I leapt to the front edge of the ship and shot a strong blast of【Wind Magic】. Due to the sudden application of wind brakes, the ship slowed down and slowly turned to its side and parked at the beach.

「We have arrived.」

I jumped onto the beach, extended my hand and helped Non-san get off the boat.

「Asha, take my hand… Asha?」

I then extended my hand towards Asha.

「J-Just a minute please… My heart is beating fast…」she said.

Apparently, the speed was too much for Asha. It must have been like riding a jet ski.

After she calmed down and got off the boat, I moved the boat to a safe place away from the beach and tied it to a nearby tree. This much should be fine.

「Let’s go.」

With luggage containing food for 5 days, we braved the islands. Although it is called an “archipelago”, it is said that there are more than 30 islands, large and small.

However, the island where the “Sage of Medicine” is said to be located is on the island with the tallest mountain. And it seems that we can walk across to that island from the current island as there is a road which appears during low tide.

Dante-san’s ship could not be seen anywhere. They might have boarded onto the island directly.


Wild monsters lived on the islands. Such as poisonous snakes, poisonous moths, and even large carnivorous dinosaurs. However, it was as if none of the monsters had ever seen any magic. When I invoked【Fire Magic】, all of them ran away with great shock.

The vegetation was very similar to those of the Saint Knight Kingdom, but there were also many that I had never seen before. We were quite lucky that there were many edible fruits in particular.

【World Ruler】made it quite simple to judge whether the fruits were edible or not.

It was night out and completely dark when we reached the other side of the island. A mountain that pierced the heavens could be seen over the shallow seas.

The low tide had just passed and the tide was starting to rise. The tides will be low just early tomorrow morning, so we decided to camp on the beach.

「It’s my turn to keep watch. Please try to get some sleep, Non-san.」I said.

After finishing dinner, Asha fell asleep immediately. Although Asha led a tough daily life in the “Back World”, she was originally a sheltered young lady. She still can’t keep up physically.

Asha was sleeping with a happy look, wrapped in a blanket.

I said I would keep the first watch, but for some reason Non-san didn’t try to catch some sleep and instead sat down next to me.

「This is kind of nostalgic… The two of us have not camped very often, but it reminds me of the time in the forest when I first met you, Reiji-kun. Even though we are at the beach…」

「I don’t think I could have lived a decent life if Silver Balance didn’t pick me up at that time.」

「Is that so? I think Reiji-kun could have made it even without us.」

I silently shook my head.

After leaving the Sixth Mine, I was wandering around in the forest. Even when I tried to enter cities, the security there was too strict.

And then, I caught the smell of dried meat baked over a bonfire and was drawn towards it subconsciously.

Since I had【World Ruler】, even if I didn’t meet Silver Balance, I would have learned enough to fight and fend for myself without entering any towns. But what awaits me at the end of such a path would be a dark life… sneaking into towns, stealing food, and so on.

Once you go down that road, it will get worse quickly. I might have made a name for myself in the underworld if I went down that path.

Lark probably stopped at the last minute before going down that road.

I don’t know the details, but I think Lark stopped herself for my sake.

Then what about me?

At the mine, I greatly regretted not taking Lark’s hand, but I would have eventually forgotten that regret and went down the wrong path.

「I wish I could help Reiji-kun even a little.」Non-san said.

「A little!?」

I was surprised at myself that I raised my voice. Asha’s eyebrows twitched, but she stayed asleep…Thank goodness.

「I would not be here if it wasn’t for the grace all of you showed me that day. You, Mimino-san, Dante-san, Non-san, and… Raikira-san. I can never repay that debt.」

「No, Reiji-kun, you don’t owe us anything. My dad’s body reminds me of it every time… But thank you for saying that.」


I felt as if Non-san was acting strange.

At first, I thought she was worried because we couldn’t locate Silver Balance’s location, but that doesn’t seem to be the only reason.

「I will definitely find my dad and return home.」

「Of course.」

「But… When I get back, my journey with Silver Balance will be over.」


For a moment, I couldn’t understand what she meant by it.

「You already know that I received special permission to temporarily leave the church to find a cure for my dad, right?」

「Ah, right…」

Non-san received a special permit to help Dante-san who was petrified at that time.

Normally, when you join the church, you will live with the church for the rest of your life. Such a life must seem constrained, but the guarantee of food, clothing and shelter in this world is also a wonderful blessing. Dante-san entrusted Non-san to the church after the passing of his wife.

「Actually, the reason why my master came to Zackerhafen was because she got irritated that I never returned and wanted to take me back.」

「I’m sorry. I asked you to take care of Lark without knowing that…」

「Don’t apologize. I had to go back anyway. We were rather lucky that I was able to consult my master regarding Lark-san. Despite the way she is, my master is one of the top users of【Healing Magic】in the church.」

「Non-san… Are you going to return to the church in Saint Knight Kingdom with Riviera-san?」

「…I don’t know where we will go. My mentor is always busy with work, and travels all around the continent. I think I will be accompanying her for a while. Someone needs to keep her in check, after all. Hahaha…」Non-san said, and laughed.

I also responded with a laugh. But the sadness swelling in my heart did not disappear.

I know it can’t be helped.

I knew that someday we would have to say goodbye.

「I have simply had a longer vacation than my peers. And it is coming to an end.」

The bonfire illuminated Non-san as she gazed at the night sky while hugging her knees.

I wanted to ask Non-san if there was a way to not return to the church or to retire. The words reached my throat but they never left my lips.

The church has raised Non-san until now, which allowed Dante-san to continue his work with peace of mind. It is now Non-san’s turn to return that grace.

The same as I am indebted to everyone in Silver Balance.

「I-It doesn’t mean that… t-that I can’t meet you anymore, right?」

I asked in a surprisingly pathetic tone.

Non-san turned to look at me, and was surprised. She then took out a handkerchief and wiped my cheek.

「Of course we can still meet… so please don’t cry.」

「S-Sorry. I can’t stop crying even though you are right by my side, Non-san…」

The tears did not stop.

I am indeed sad, but that wasn’t the only reason for my tears. I know Non-san wants to be with Dante-san very badly, but she still chose to face her responsibility and decided to return to the church. Her conviction touched my heart. I thought Non-san looked really cool at that moment.

「…I am not okay. I am not okay at all, either.」

Non-san stretched out her arms and pulled me into a hug. She was still a little taller than me, so my head was on her chest.

I saw a gleam in the corner of her eyes just before that.



「…Please keep it a secret until we return to the town. I have not talked to anyone about this yet…」


The waves crashing onto the shore were small. The sound of the waves echoing into the dark of the night could be heard all night long.

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